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As illustrating how, as we know more about the details of medical history, the beginnings of medical science and medical practice are pushed back farther and farther, a discussion in the Berliner klinische Wochenschrift a dozen years ago is of interest.

Supplement to the Münchener med. Wochenschrift, 1906. +Individual Resistance to Infection.+ The contagiousness of untreated syphilis is influenced by two other factors besides the mere lapse of time. The first of these is the resistance or opposition offered to the germ by the person to whom the infection is carried.

On the announcement of this discovery in the Wochenschrift fur Astronomie in March of the following year, the existence of the object described by Dr. Klein was confirmed, and it was sedulously scrutinised under various solar altitudes.

Medico-legal Journal, Dec., 1893; id., "The Cause and Prevention of Rape," Texas Medical Journal, May, 1904. P. Näcke, "Die Kastration bei gewissen Klassen von Degenerirten als ein Wirksamer Socialer Schutz," Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie, Bd. III, 1899, p. 58; id. "Kastration in Gewissen Fällen von Geisteskrankheit," Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift, 1905, No. 29.

During the war it was possible to make some more exact observations owing to the short leave granted to soldiers to visit their homes. Seigel has published a paper in the "Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift," 1916, in which he gives information regarding the conception of between two and three hundred children born during the war.

Nach., No. 263 ; Pop. There is also a "parallactic" libration, depending on the earth's rotation; and a species of nodding movement the "libration in latitude" is produced by the inclination of the moon's axis to her orbit, and by her changes of position with regard to the terrestrial equator. Leo Brenner, Naturwiss. Wochenschrift, January 13, 1895; Jour. Brit. Astr.

The original account of these operations is reproduced in the Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift, No. 2, 1909, with an approving comment by the editor, Dr. Bresler. As regards castration in America, see Flood, "Castration of Idiot Children," American Journal Psychology, Jan., 1899; also, Alienist and Neurologist, Aug., 1909, p. 348.

THE AUSTRIAN government has ordered thirty-seven engines arranged to burn kerosene, for use in the Arlberg tunnel, in which lack of proper ventilation at present causes the tunnel to remain filled with smoke. Uhland's Wochenschrift. One of the first essentials to modern military enterprise is the establishment of a military railway system for war purposes.

As further witnesses to the passing of Darwinism, two botanists may be cited; the first is Professor Korschinsky who in No. 24, 1899, of the Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift published an article on "Heterogenesis and Evolution," which was to be followed later by a large work on this subject.

Among the latter a considerable percentage returned subsequently to the ranks. Altogether, then, about 91·8 per cent. of the wounded German soldiers who fall in battle are so well taken care of that they are able to fight again, and no more than 1·2 per cent. of the total number succumb to their wounds. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift.