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The former gave me his promise for a cadetship to Allan Cunningham's son; I have a similar promise from Lord Melville, and thus I am in the situation in which I have been at Gladdies Wiel, where I have caught two trouts, one with the fly, the other with the bobber. I have landed both, and so I will now. Mr. Loch also promised me to get out Shortreed as a free mariner. Tom Grenville was at dinner.

The other monstrous fetus is described by Vander Wiel, who asserts, that he saw a monstrous lamb, which had no mouth; but instead of it was furnished with an opening in the lower part of the neck into the stomach.

Should this be so, it will be almost impossible to identify it among the many such horns in that collection. As described by Wiel, it was merely a very simple specimen of the kind with the common inscription JASPAR X MELCHIOR X BALTAZAR. This class of horn was largely imported to Norway from North Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries.

There was no possibility that this was a case of retained secundines. Anomalies of the Umbilical Cord. Absence of the membranes has its counterpart in the deficiency of the umbilical cord, so frequently noticed in old reports. The Ephemerides, Osiander, Stark's Archives, Thiebault, van der Wiel, Chatton, and Schurig all speak of it, and it has been noticed since.

In one case the entrance of a cricket in the auditory canal was the cause of death. Martin gives an instance in which larvae were deposited in the ear. Stalpart van der Wiel relates an instance of the lodgment of a living spider in the ear. Far more common than insects are inanimate objects as foreign bodies in the ear, and numerous examples are to be found in literature.

Danthez speaks of the development of a fetus in spite of the absence of an umbilical cord. Stute reports an observation of total absence of the umbilical cord, with placental insertion near the cervix of the uterus. There is mentioned a bifid funis. The Ephemerides and van der Wiel speak of a duplex funis.

Lucas speaks of 50 venesections being practiced during one pregnancy. Van der Wiel performed venesection 49 times during a single pregnancy. Balmes mentions a case in which 500 venesections were performed in twenty-five years. Laugier mentions 300 venesections in twenty-six months. Osiander speaks of 8000 ounces of blood being taken away in thirty-five years.

This contains a full bibliography. THE NAVY OF VENICE, Alethea Wiel, 1910. BARBARY CORSAIRS, Story of the Nations Series, Lane-Poole, 1890. GEOGRAPHY AND WORLD POWER, James Fairgrieve, 1917. From the days of the Phœnicians to the close of the 15th century, all trade between Europe and Asia crossed the land barrier east of the Mediterranean.

The description of the burn in Hallowe'en is most beautiful in itself, yet it is but a detail in a great picture 'Whyles owre a linn the burnie plays, As thro' the glen it wimpl't; Whyles round a rocky scaur it strays; Whyles in a wiel it dimpl't; Whyles glitter'd to the nightly rays, Wi' bickerin', dancin' dazzle; Whyles cookit underneath the braes, Below the spreading hazel, Unseen that night.

Rodericus a Veiga tells the story of a deer that was killed in hunting, and in whose heart was fixed a piece of arrow that appeared to have been there some time. Glandorp experimentally produced a nonfatal wound in the heart of a rabbit. Wounds of the heart, not lethal, have been reported by Benivenius, Marcellus Donatus, Schott, Stalpart van der Wiel, and Wolff.