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August at East Wellmouth crowded the Restabit Inn to overflowing. On pleasant Sundays the long line of cars flying through the main road of the village on the way to Provincetown met and passed the long line returning Bostonward. The sound of motor horns echoed along the lane leading to Gould's Bluffs.

But Thankful insisted upon going to the hotel and there her new friend for she had begun to think of him as that left her. She informed him of her intention to remain in East Wellmouth for another day and a half and he announced his intention of seeing her again before she left. "Just want to keep an eye on you," he said. "With all of Mrs.

She kept these ideas to herself, but she spoke to Emily Howes concerning the possibilities of a journey to East Wellmouth. Emily was Mrs. Barnes' favorite cousin, although only a second cousin. Her mother, Sarah Cahoon, Thankful's own cousin, had married a man named Howes. Emily was the only child by this marriage.

And they tell me you like East Wellmouth so much you're goin' to stick around for a spell. Good business! Say, I'll be sellin' you a piece of Wellmouth property one of these days to settle down on. That's the kind of talk, eh, Perfessor? Haw, haw, haw!" He pounded the Bangs' shoulder blades once more. Mr. Beebe and his two customers echoed the Pulcifer laugh.

"By Judas priest!" declared Winnie S. his name was Winfield Scott Hancock Holt, but no resident of East Wellmouth called him anything but Winnie S. "by Judas priest! If this ain't enough to make a feller give up tryin' to earn a livin', then I don't know! Tell him he can't ship aboard a schooner 'cause goin' to sea's a dog's life, and then put him on a job like this! Dog's life! Judas priest!

Every professional gossip in East Wellmouth was talking about it, not only because of its interest as a piece of news, but because of the astonishing fact that no one but those intimately interested had previously known of the offer.

"Of course you will. Suppose I'm goin' to let relations of Eben Barnes put up at the East Wellmouth tavern? By the everlastin', I guess not! I wouldn't send a a Democrat there. Come right along! Don't say another word." Both of the ladies said other words, a good many of them, but they might as well have been orders to the wind to stop blowing.

Thankful appreciated his reticence; the average dweller in Wellmouth Winnie S., for instance would have started in on a vigorous cross-examination. Her conviction that Captain Bangs was much above the average was strengthened. "Yes," she said, "he was there. I saw him. He's a a kind of queer person, I should say. Do you know him real well, Cap'n Bangs?" The captain nodded.

He's a smart Aleck and talks too much, anyhow. He made a mistake, that's all. Now I tell you, Mister, I'm goin' to East Wellmouth myself. Course I don't make a business of carryin' passengers and this trip is goin' to be some out of my way. Gasoline and ile are pretty expensive these days, too, but Eh? What say?" The pale face beneath the derby hat for the first time showed a ray of hope.

However, guarded inquiries in Wellmouth and Trumet strengthened her conviction that Captain Obed knew what he was talking about, and, the time approaching when she must have some sort of servant, she, at last, in desperation wrote her friend to send "the Marguerite one" along for a month's trial. The new girl arrived two days later.