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After a few moments Waldmeer appeared and spoke: "Prince Marentel is operating with great difficulty. A large quantity of his explosives has been injured by water, but he hopes there is enough left intact to serve his purpose. The final explosion will soon take place. The greatest peril hangs over Alpha."

That was all, and the figure vanished. Presently Waldmeer reappeared. He seemed to be standing nearer the pit, for the entire background was aflame; volumes of black smoke now and then hid him from view, and a thick shower of ashes and small stones were falling round him. He spoke, but his voice was drowned in a deafening explosion, and the whole landscape about him seemed afire.

The pink light on the mirror faded, and a life-like reflection appeared the reflection of a young man standing on a rock in bold relief against a dark background of rugged, slabbering cliffs and the forbidding mouths of caves. "Waldmeer!" ejaculated the princess, and she relapsed into silence. The young man held in his hand a cup-shaped instrument from which extended a wire to the ground.

Then the mirror began to glow, and the image of another man took Waldmeer's place. "It is the Mayor of Telmantio," whispered the princess, "a place near the western limits of Alpha." He held a like instrument to the one used by Waldmeer, and through it spoke: "Venus, one of the great stars, has been shaken from the firmament. It fell in the suburbs of Telmantio, and many lives were lost."

Entrance closed temporarily, and will be strengthened!" Johnston rushed out to the balcony. "I have been to the Auditorium," he announced. "I have seen Waldmeer. He says the experiment was successful. It is closed temporarily, and can be strengthened." The king grasped the hand of the American. "Thank God!" he ejaculated, "if I can only save my people I shall desire nothing more."

He stood still, a superstitious fear coming over him as he thought of being alone with a possible messenger from the far-away scene of disaster. The light went out tremblingly; then it flashed up again, and the American thought he saw the face of Waldmeer. The light grew steadier, stronger. It was Waldmeer, but he was submerged in smoke. Hark! he was speaking. "Marentel is successful!

In the semi-darkness hundreds of protectors could be seen struggling in the rushing water, moving stones and building a dam. Waldmeer again faced his far-off audience and spoke: "Prince Marentel has turned the course of the stream. All now depends on the success or failure of his final test with explosives, which will take place in about half an hour."