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When the airplane is flying, the rush of wind spins the fan at a terrific rate, its axle operates a little dynamo in this torpedo-like case and manufactures electric current. The current then passes into this small apparatus here with a bulb attached, which regulates the voltage and sends it up to the instruments in a uniform flow, no matter at what speed the airplane may be going."

. . . It was as if Skag had passed through eons of ages trying to put away all the tender yearning anguish of his love for Carlin. He came to know her as a beneficent entity of high voltage needed in more than one place. It must be that he should make it possible for her to serve here, more potently than there else she could not be held back. With all his strength, he would try.

It is more than eighty years since the mind of a Faraday delved so fruitfully into electrical science, yet the oft prophesied large scale direct use of high voltage electricity, or some other form in war has not materialised.

It looks like the aerial ammeter and costs about $7.50. The A. C. Power Transformer. Differing from the motor generator set the power transformer has no moving parts. For this transmitting set you need a transformer that has an input of 325 volts. It is made to work on a 50 to 60 cycle current at 102.5 to 115 volts, which is the range of voltage of the ordinary alternating lighting current.

The result is that the low voltage direct current of the battery is changed into alternating currents whose frequency is precisely that of the spring vibrator, but while the frequency of the currents is low their potential, or voltage, is enormously increased. What Ratio of Transformation Means.

Indeed the storage battery has practically rendered safe the wide introduction of electric lighting, because a number of cells, when once charged, are always available as a reserve in case of any failure in the power or in the generators at any central station; and also because, by means of the storage cells or "accumulators," the amount of available electrical energy can be subdivided into different and subordinate circuits, thus obviating the necessity for the employment of currents of very high voltage and eluding the only imperfectly-solved problem of dividing a current traversing a wire as conveniently as lighting gas is divided by taking small pipes off from the gas mains.

But long before Franklin many other scientists had carried out research into the nature of electricity. Remembering Thales of old he coined the word 'electricity'. One of them was a machine consisting of two glass discs revolving in opposite directions which produced high voltage charges through friction. Ramsden and Wimshurst built improved versions of the machine.

How Transmitting Set No. 1 Works. The Battery and Spark Coil Circuit. When you press down on the knob of the key the silver points of it make contact and this closes the circuit; the low voltage direct current from the battery now flows through the primary coil of the spark coil and this magnetizes the soft iron core.

It is the mutual induction that takes place between two coils of wire which makes it possible to transform low voltage currents from a battery or a 110 volt source of current into high pressure currents, or high potential currents, as they are called, by means of a spark coil or a transformer, as well as to step up and step down the potential of the high frequency currents that are set up in sending and receiving oscillation transformers.

It consists of a single armature core with a motor winding and a generator winding on it and each of these has its own commutator. Where the low voltage current flows into one of the windings it drives its as a motor and this in turn generates the higher voltage current in the other winding. Get a 100 watt 350 volt motor-generator; it is shown at F and costs about $75.00. The Panel Cut-Out.