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Updated: September 19, 2024
'Naturane nobis, inquit, datum dicam, an errore quodam, ut, cum ea loca videamus, in quibus memoria dignos viros acceperimus multum esse versatos, magis moveamur, quam siquando eorum ipsorum aut facta audiamus aut scriptum aliquod legamus? Velut ego nunc moveor.
Qua re, si haec ita sunt, sic me colitote, inquit, 'ut deum, sin una est interiturus animus cum corpore, vos tamen, deos verentes, qui hanc omnem pulchritudinem tuentur et regunt, memoriam nostri pie inviolateque servabitis. XXIII. 82 Cyrus quidem haec moriens; nos, si placet, nostra videamus.
The rusticalls held their breath. Then did I look as glum as might be, and muttered slowly thus 'Videamus quam diu tu fictus morio vosque veri stulti audebitis in hac aula morari, strepitantes ita et olentes: ut dulcissimae nequeam miser scribere. They shook like aspens, and stole away on tiptoe one by one at first, then in a rush and jostling, and left me alone; and most scared of all was the fool: never earned jester fairer his ass's ears.
That being done, I thereafter lay down upon the other end of the same table the bags and satchels of the plaintiff, as your other worships are accustomed to do, visum visu, just over against one another; for Opposita juxta se posita clarius elucescunt: ut not. in lib. 1. parag. Videamus. ff. de his qui sunt sui vel alieni juris, et in l. munerum. para. mixta ff. de mun. et hon.
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