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We arrived there with three sous in our pockets and the soles off our boots. But Vevy is not a little village; it is a town, and as for asking for Mrs. Milligan, or even an English lady with a sick son and a dumb girl, we knew that that would be absurd. There are so many English in Vevy; the place is almost like an English pleasure resort.

Is it worth it, darling?" "Kiss me too," said His Majesty the King, dreamily. "You isn't vevy angwy, is you?" The fever burned itself out, and His Majesty the King slept. When he waked, it was in a new world peopled by his father and mother as well as Miss Biddums: and there was much love in that world and no morsel of fear, and more petting than was good for several little boys.

They had gone in a carriage with a maid; the other servants had followed with the baggage. We breathed again. "Where is the lady?" asked Mattia. "She has taken a villa at Vevy, but I cannot say where; she is going to spend the summer there." We started for Vevy. Now they were not traveling away from us. They had stopped and we should be sure to find them at Vevy if we searched.

He slipped out of bed, but his feet were strangely wilful, and he reeled once or twice. Then he pushed the door open and staggered a puffed and purple-faced little figure into the brilliant light of the dining-room full of pretty ladies. "I'm vevy hot! I'm vevy uncomfitivle," moaned His Majesty the King, clinging to the portiere, "and vere's no water in ve glass, and I'm so kirsty.

His Majesty the King went to tea, and, for the first time in his memory, the meal revolted him. His nose was very cold, and his cheeks were burning hot. There was a weight about his feet, and he pressed his head several times to make sure that it was not swelling as he sat. "I feel vevy funny," said His Majesty the King, rubbing his nose. "Vere's a buzz-buzz in my head." He went to bed quietly.