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About an hour after I had arrived, Colonel Delmar made his appearance: he was a cousin of Lord de Versely's, but I certainly should not, from his appearance, have supposed him to be a Delmar: for he was short, round-shouldered, and with a fat, rubicund face, apparently about forty years of age.

"All, sir, even Bob Cross, the boatswain, whose head was half knocked off, is quite well again. He was Lord de Versely's coxswain, sir, and you were kind enough to give him his warrant." "I recollect a good man, is he not?" "So good, sir, that the only regret I have in leaving the schooner is, that I cannot take him with me.

There were three private letters from England, one of which was in Lord de Versely's hand-writing; I opened it first. It was very kind, but short, complaining that he had not been very well lately. The second was from my mother. I read it; it contained nothing of importance; and then I took up the third, which had a black seal.

I reflected what a career was before me, if I was fortunate, and never neglected an opportunity of distinguishing myself; and I vowed that I never would, and prayed to Heaven to assist my endeavours. Lord de Versely's kindness to me had struck deep into my heart, and my anxiety was, that he should be proud of me.

As I now had no secrets from them, I detailed my whole history, the cause of Lord de Versely's patronage, and the mystery of my birth. I opened the seal-skin pouch to show them Lord de Versely's letter to my mother, and stated what had been the object of my ambition through life, and how great was my disappointment at my hopes being overthrown by the death of his lordship.

I did not enter into many particulars as to Lord de Versely's death, as it was so sudden; the property left you is not perhaps of so much value in itself, as it is as a mark of his regard and esteem.

"The old lady requires, it seems, proof from Lord de Versely's own hand that I am his son; fortunately, that is in my power to give; so do you take this, and as soon as you arrive in England make all haste to Mr Warden's and put it into his own hands." I then took off the seal-skin pouch containing Lord de Versely's letter to my mother, and confided it to his care.

Mrs Mason, however, did not corroborate this statement; on the contrary, she invariably pleaded poverty; and the Honourable Miss Delmar, after Lord de Versely's death which happened soon after that of his steward sent both the daughters to be educated at a country school, where, as everything that is taught is second-rate, young ladies, of course, receive a second-rate education.

This depression of spirits remained with me during the time that I remained at Portsmouth, when, having obtained leave, I set off for London, and on arrival, put up at a fashionable hotel in Albermarle Street. The next morning I called at Lord de Versely's and sent up my card. I was immediately ushered up, and found myself in his presence. Lord de Versely rose from his sofa, and took my hand.