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These gentlemen deal in regeneration: but at any price I should hardly yield my rigid fibres to be regenerated by them, nor begin, in my grand climacteric, to squall in their new accents, or to stammer, in my second cradle, the elemental sounds of their barbarous metaphysics. Si isti mihi largiantur ut repuerascam, et in eorum cunis vagiam, valde recusem!

Teaching equal in mental calibre to any that is open to men in universities, yet modified for the needs of those who must study at home, remains in the dim pages of that melancholy volume entitled Libri valde desiderati.

In ea veneratur detestandum cadauer Machon siue Machometi honorabiliter et reuerenter in Templo eius, quod ibi vocatur Musket, de cuius vita aliquid infra narrabo. Per praedicta itaque apparet, quod Imperator Sarracenorum Soldanus Babyloniae, valde potens est Dominus. De couductu Soldani, et via vsque in Sinay. Prius dictum est de reuerentia Soldani, quando ad ipsum intratur exhibenda.

There are many in our times who talk at this rate, wishing that this hot emotion that is now amongst us might discharge itself in some neighbouring war, for fear lest all the peccant humours that now reign in this politic body of ours may diffuse themselves farther, keep the fever still in the height, and at last cause our total ruin; and, in truth, a foreign is much more supportable than a civil war, but I do not believe that God will favour so unjust a design as to offend and quarrel with others for our own advantage: "Nil mihi tam valde placeat, Rhamnusia virgo, Quod temere invitis suscipiatur heris."

Est enim Citrini coloris, valde clarum, et purum, et fortissimum in odoris fragrantia: si ergo apparet alterius quam Citrini coloris sciatur non simplicis, sed cuiuscunque commixtae substantiae, vel ita spissum, vt non possit fluere, scitote sophisticatum.