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It never reaches a large size, and shows a tendency to spontaneous cure. Adult umbilical hernia rarely commences in infancy. It is most commonly seen in persons with pendulous bellies, and is sometimes of enormous size, in addition to the ordinary abdominal contents, containing even the stomach and uterus.

Thus the uterus during pregnancy is greatly enlarged in thickness and solidity as well as in capacity, and hence must have acquired this additional size by accretion of new parts, not by an extension of the old ones; the familiar act of blowing up the bladder of an animal recently slaughtered has led our imaginations to apply this idea of distention to the increase of size from natural growth; which however must be owing to the apposition of new parts; as it is evinced from the increase of weight along with the increase of dimension; and is even visible to our eyes in the elongation of our hair from the colour of its ends; or when it has been dyed on the head; and in the growth of our nails from the specks sometimes observable on them; and in the increase of the white crescent at their roots, and in the growth of new flesh in wounds, which consists of new nerves as well as of new blood-vessels.

Of these, the ovaries and the uterus are the essential female organs of generation. The virgin uterus is a small, hollow, muscular organ, somewhat pear-shaped, whose cavity is about one and a half inches deep. The uterus is divided by a natural constriction into a body and a neck.

If a woman becomes pregnant while there are symptoms or signs of broken compensation, there can be no question, medically or morally, of the advisability of evacuating the uterus.

They are the central fact in our existence, the point towards which all effort is directed." Nothing could be said more truly of Woman, and the ova she carries. All that transpires during pubescence is symptomatic of the underlying tidal stir in the cells. The uterus becomes gorged with blood periodically, to provide an enriched soil for the perhaps to be fertilized ovum to plant itself.

All of the members of the sex chain, including those of the thyroid, the adrenal and the pituitary, are necessary to the functions of menstruation, impregnation, settlement of fertilized ovum in the wall of the uterus, labor and lactation. A disturbance of one of them will set up disturbances all along the line, and a resonance of distress or compensation upon the part of all of them.

It was decided to open the abdominal cyst; the incision was followed by a gush of blood and a placenta came into view, which was extracted with a living child. To the astonishment of the operators the uterus was distended, and it was decided to open it, when another living child was seen and extracted. The cyst and the uterus were cleansed of all clots and the wound closed.

In the mammalian class the males possess rudiments of a uterus with the adjacent passage, in their vesiculae prostaticae; they bear also rudiments of mammae, and some male Marsupials have traces of a marsupial sack. The male Thylacinus offers the best instance.

The patients of his colleague did well, except one, where he assisted to remove some coagula from the uterus; she was attacked in the same manner as those whom he had attended, and died also." The writer in the "British and Foreign Medical Review," from whom I quote this statement, and who is no other than Dr. From the cases given by Mr.

Criminal abortions are those brought on simply because the woman does not desire to have a child. In either case it is a dangerous procedure. Infections may be carried into the uterus by means of whatever is introduced into it. This may set up an inflammation that may result in the death of the woman. It is a dangerous procedure to introduce anything into the womb.