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When the stimulus ceases, lactation ceases. The pressure of the secretion in the alveoli causes the cells to cease to secrete, much in the same way that pressure in the ureters injures the secretory action of the renal epithelium.

As a matter of fact, however, the adoption of the plan benefits mother and infant alike. The diversion and recreation which the mother, thus relieved of her maternal duties for from four to six hours, has time to secure becomes a direct benefit to the infant. Not infrequently by pursuing this plan, mothers who would otherwise be incapable of nursing are assured successful lactation.

Two months later the skin-hemorrhages ceased and the boy died, vomiting blood and with bloody stools. Postmortem sweating is described in the Ephemerides and reported by Hasenest and Schneider. Bartholinus speaks of bloody sweat in a cadaver. In considering the anomalies of lactation we shall first discuss those of color and then the extraordinary places of secretion.

Ford has collected several cases in which lactation was artificially induced by women who, though for some time not having been pregnant themselves, nursed for others. Prolonged lactation and galactorrhea may extend through several pregnancies.

It is never very long before the amount of milk becomes adjusted to the infant's wants, and then distention disappears spontaneously. No artifice can bring about the adjustment as ideally as nature does. During the later months of lactation the liability of the breasts to over-filling is slight, provided the infant empties them regularly and completely.

That the modern development of infant feeding will serve to replace natural lactation, must be denied, and this without prejudice to the magnificent work of the late Professor Budin of Paris and Professor Morgan Rotch of Harvard.

Keeping in mind that whatever benefits the mother will react favorably upon the infant, one should regulate exercise during lactation with regard to the kind and the amount of exercise to which she has been previously accustomed.

Hence the custom which prohibits the commerce of the sexes while the worms are hatching may be only an extension, by analogy, of the rule which is observed by many races, that the husband may not cohabit with his wife during pregnancy and lactation. In the island of Nias the hunters sometimes dig pits, cover them lightly over with twigs, grass, and leaves, and then drive the game into them.

The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry How This is Effected The Mother the Child's Supreme Parent Motherhood and the Woman Movement The Immense Importance of Motherhood Infant Mortality and Its Causes The Chief Cause in the Mother The Need of Rest During Pregnancy Frequency of Premature Birth The Function of the State Recent Advance in Puericulture The Question of Coitus During Pregnancy The Need of Rest During Lactation The Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child The Economic Question The Duty of the State Recent Progress in the Protection of the Mother The Fallacy of State Nurseries.

More often than not the counsel of well-meaning friends only serves to perplex and distress the mother. Recreation and Rest. Next to worry no influence upon lactation is more detrimental than neglect of recreation and rest. Both are very necessary to a nursing mother, for without them she will soon begin to exaggerate minor troubles and even to worry though nothing is wrong.