United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In the upkeep of the position he included jewelry for his wife and so it came about that Lord Castlenorman placed an order with two well-known Bond-street jewellers named Messrs. Grosvenor and Campbell to the extent of £100,000 for a few reliable emeralds.

It is easily possible for one of means to become land-poor to have investments in land which will not pay the taxes and upkeep of buildings, fences and so forth.

There seems to be no question that the woman purchaser is willing to pay any added sum required to make construction better or convenience greater always provided that the salesman convinces her she is obtaining the quality she is paying for. In selecting a Vacuum Cleaner, the woman looks for: 1. A design that will prove efficient at low upkeep cost over a period of time.

When cost sheets were figured on Babe, Johnny Inkslinger found that upkeep and overhead were expensive but the charges for operation and depreciation were low and the efficiency was very high. He also used Babe to pull the kinks out of the crooked logging roads and it was on a job of this kind that Babe pulled a chain of three-inch links out into a straight bar.

These Huts are expensive to build and their upkeep is a great tax on the Clubs. British runners can either join the local Club, when they can use the Huts by day for nothing, or they can pay the advertised fee for whatever use they make of them.

The balls wear light very rapidly, while racquets wear through quite soon. The advantages are a much longer season on hard courts, with less chance of weather interrupting important meetings. The courts require far less care in upkeep than grass. What has been the actual tendency in the last decade? In America the hard courts erected have been approximately nine to one grass.

It should be understood in every case that the work of the girl has a money value, as well as a value which cannot be recompensed except by affection. When the family income does not permit of an adequate allowance, happily the girl is often able not only to support herself with work which allows her to continue her home occupation, but to make a contribution to the upkeep of the home.

"It seems a pity that you cannot claim the Turrald estates," put in Austin. "They must have been immensely wealthy." "It is quite out of the question," replied Robert decisively. "They have been alienated for centuries. But it has been part of my life's work to provide for the upkeep of the title when I gained it.

Sometimes-usually on the first of the month when the bills rolled in for upkeep of the Mount Washington and other Self-Realization Fellowship centers!-I thought longingly of the simple peace of India. But daily I saw a widening understanding between West and East; my soul rejoiced.

He hunted some and fished some, but never far from Tana-naw Station, and he was at the large house often and long. And El-Soo measured him against many men and found him good. He sang songs to her, and was ardent and glowed until all Tana- naw Station knew he loved her. And Porportuk but grinned and advanced more money for the upkeep of the large house. Then came the death table of Klakee-Nah.