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The riding-sail was down and the main- and topsail were up by noon, and dories came alongside with letters for home, envying their good fortune. At last she cleared decks, hoisted her flag, as is the right of the first boat off the Banks, up-anchored, and began to move.

Later another of the same class came nosing up out of the depths, and bumped head on and into a breakwater down that same country a solid stone wall of a breakwater. What did she do? She bounced off, and, after a look around, also went on about her business. In the morning our sub up-anchored for her run across the open bay.

That was the phrase they used, being English or Scots, and when the word was passed that we up-anchored with the turn of the tide at midnight, they sang in a last burst of lively furor a song of Dionysian regret. One stanza lingers with me: Whack the cymbal! Bang the drum! Votaries of Bacchus! Let the popping corks resound, Pass the flowing goblet round!

Our troop-ship, other troop-ships, every one in turn, steamed up, reported her presence, and tucked into a berth under the wings of the big war-ship; and there they stayed until night, until the signal came to get under way. When it did, one after the other they up-anchored and kicked into line. They had been warned to make no fuss in going, and they made none.

It might have been observed by the others, but wasn't, that Perry and Ossie, on the Adventurer, and Wink, on the Follow Me, exhibited a strange fondness for the seclusion of the cabins from that time until the next day at eight, when the cruisers up-anchored and passed out of the harbour. And as the broad Atlantic rolled under the keels three hearty sighs emerged from as many throats.

We at length up-anchored, as the mids declared if we remained longer the captain feared we should ground on the beef-bones we threw overboard daily! Three days after sailing we captured a Spanish schooner from Cuba, bound to Port-au-Paix, with nine French washerwomen on board with a quantity of clothes.

Several hours before, this ocean greyhound one of Great Britain's monster sea-fighters had up-anchored and left her dock where she had been undergoing slight repairs heading eastward down the river. Men lined the rails of the monster ship.

Our skipper thought he saw a lane along the River, and up-anchored. The noise of our cable awoke a tumult of startled bells. Ours was a perishable cargo. We were much overdue.