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Thus Henry was secretly pledging himself, to make underhand but substantial war against Spain, with which power he was at that instant concluding peace, while at the same time he was abandoning his warlike league with the queen and the republic, in order to affect that very pacification. Truly the morality of the governing powers of the earth was not entirely according to the apostolic standard.

It was not often that the underhand crimes of such men were plainly exposed to view, and, when they were, an example ought to be made of the offender as a warning to his class.

He can be a very useful friend to her, and he seems to me manly and trustworthy. I'm not often deceived in my impressions of people, and he inspires me with confidence, and has from the first. I never saw anything underhand in him at the farm." "Oh, no, he's honest enough, no doubt."

There are people about you who have set themselves, in an underhand way, to destroy me; and Brigitte has only one thought, and that is, how to find a decent way of not keeping her promises. Men like me don't wait till their claims are openly protested, and I certainly do not intend to impose myself on any family; still, I was far, I acknowledge, from expecting such treatment."

The man was so open and honest that his arguments had nothing underhand or crafty in them. "It sounds very simple," he said. "It is; d d simple! So are the underwriters; but that is not our business. You see, FitzHenry, in all commerce there are a certain number of fools for the wise men to outwit. In marine insurance there are a large number.

He did not look or act like a man who had been engaged in any underhand business, and neither did Colonel Shelby, who hastened down the steps and came across the road to the hitching-rack to help Marcy off his horse. "So glad to see you safe back," was the way in which he greeted the boy.

He is a prisoner, wanted for cutting up one of our stage-guards." Nan, coldly sceptical, eyed de Spain. "And do you try to tell me" she pointed to Sassoon's unbound hands "that he is riding out of here, a free man, to go to jail?" "I do tell you exactly that. He is my prisoner " "I don't believe either of you," declared Nan scornfully. "You are planning something underhand together."

I have no direct communication with him, not wishing to know his place of concealment: we correspond through others. 'It will be for my interest to encourage them in their design underhand, and without being observed. You will agree with me that the state of European affairs does not permit me to declare myself openly.

This filled the young priest with despair; he could accept the denunciation of the Bishop of Tarbes acting on behalf of the Fathers of the Grotto, for that only fell on himself, as a reprisal for what he had written about Lourdes; but the underhand warfare of the others exasperated him, filled him with dolorous indignation.

His science and his great strength, together with his endless stock of underhand tricks brought him out of each encounter with fresh laurels. Presently he found it difficult to pick a fight his messmates had had enough of him. They left him severely alone. These ofttimes bloody battles engendered no deep-seated hatred in the hearts of the defeated.