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He was emphatically an idealist, as every truly great artist must be, and Transcendentalism was the local costume which ideality wore in Hawthorne's time. He was a philosopher after a way of his own, and his reflections on life and manners often have the highest value.

Then, after a long interval, came Transcendentalism, a pleasant mixture of literature and moral guidance, and to-day Boston is as earnest as ever in pursuit of vague ideals and soothing doctrines. But pietism has gradually yielded to the claim of culture.

Margaret Fuller was first on the ground, and Hawthorne found her seated on the hill-side his gravestone now overlooks the spot reading a book with a peculiar name, which he "did not understand, and could not afterward recollect." Such a description could only apply to Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason," the original fountain-head and gospel of Transcendentalism.

The religion of Buddha is so far different from that of Confucius, and so far resembles Christianity, that it combines mysticism with asceticism a practical rule of personal conduct with a consistent transcendentalism. It has, moreover, the great advantage of possessing a highly fascinating and romantic gospel, or biography, of its founder.

Maimonides cannot admit any ignorance in God, and takes refuge in the transcendent character of God's knowledge. What is unpredictable for us is not necessarily so for God. As he is the cause of everything, he must know everything. Gersonides who, as we have seen, is unwilling to admit Maimonides's agnosticism and transcendentalism, solves the problem in the same way as Ibn Daud.

But whilst Constant affected the highest thinking, unhappily he practised the lowest living; nor did the transcendentalism of his books atone for the meanness of his life.

Ah! that begat long medical debate; But finally, as I am authorized to state For all things mystical must have some kind of name, And there's no better phrase to chronicle the same 'Twas the learned doctors vowed abnormal mentalism, The outgrowth of her fads and Transcendentalism!" Katherine made her bow as she concluded and slipped behind the scenes.

It was another proof to her that there was no greater man in the world than her dear Chapman. Once get the church going, and with a preacher of the Dogtown school, to preach out and out transcendentalism, and another ism or two, and they could get up an opposition that would be popular with the people. In that way the thing would be sure to go. Chapman declared this a golden opportunity.

Transcendentalism: Bowen's paper, 103, 104; idealism, 146; adherents, 150-152; dilettanteism, 152-155; a terror, 161. Transcendentalist, The, 157-159. Truth: as an end, 99; sought, 135. Tudor, William: allusion, 26; connecting literary link, 28, 29. Turgot, quoted, 98, 99. Tyburn, allusion, 183. Unitarianism: Dr.

And in 1833, after he had left the Unitarian pulpit, Emerson made in his diary this curious attempt to reconcile the scriptural language of his ancestral profession to the new vocabulary of Transcendentalism: "Jesus Christ was a minister of the pure Reason.