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PELAGÉYA EGÓROVNA. Why, yes, my friend, he's still a child; but he does the best he can. He's young yet. The TRAINEE leads the bear; the goat dances. "We had a little billy-goat, And he was clever, too; He carried in the water, And set the mush to brew. He fed Grandpa and Grandma; But when he went one day To the dark forest seven wolves In waiting for him lay.

My dear Sir, Votre tante, Madame Austin, qui est ici depuis quinze jours, a fait hier, en se promenant dans une petite voiture trainee par un ane, et qu'elle menait elle-meme, une chute dans laquelle elle s'est fait, au coude du bras droit, une luxation qui nous a fait craindre d'abord une fracture grave.

Generally however the training was successful. Life was not without its humour, one trainee was given for his trade test two pieces of green wood to weld together, and he tried. After a minute the instructor said, "How're you doing, Johnny?" "Thik hai, Sahib." replied Johnny as clouds of acrid blue smoke enveloped him, smiling as he went about his impossible job.

They were emptying his room out; taking away everything that was dear to him; they had already taken out the chest containing his fretsaw and other tools; now they threatened to remove the writing desk with its place clearly worn into the floor, the desk where he had done his homework as a business trainee, at high school, even while he had been at infant school he really could not wait any longer to see whether the two women's intentions were good.

Most of all I would like you, ferryman, to give me an old loincloth and kept me with you as your assistant, or rather as your trainee, for I'll have to learn first how to handle the boat." For a long time, the ferryman looked at the stranger, searching. "Now I recognise you," he finally said.

He calls himself a trainee. He likes to hear himself talk. Most of all he likes to talk about himself. As a result, I know the story of his life. Leopold Lehmann, as he emphasizes, was drawn in a clumsy manner from the womb with a forceps. His head is misshapen, like a noodle. His nose also. He has gone through the usual illnesses. He enjoys a complicated form of syphillis.