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Four sanatoria or sanitarium schools have been successfully established in suitable climates, and it is recommended by an Indian Service specialist that certain boarding-school plants be set apart for trachoma pupils, where they can have thorough and consistent treatment and remain until the cure is complete.

The death-rate is stated by Government officials at about thirty per thousand of the population double the average rate among white Americans. From the same source we learn that about 70,000 Indians in the United States are suffering from trachoma, a serious and contagious eye disease, and probably 30,000 have tuberculosis in some form.

However, nothing is ever settled till it is settled right. I have before me the results of an examination of thirty-six public schools containing 55,470 pupils. Of the 55,470, not less than 6670 had contagious eye-disease; 2328 were cases of operative trachoma, 3243 simple trachoma, and 1099 conjunctivitis.

In view of these figures, it is not difficult to realize the urgent need of the field workers and nurses in connection with Christian Missions among Indians. The report shows also the estimated number of 21,980 Indians suffering from tuberculosis, and 35,769 afflicted with the highly contagious eye disease, trachoma. The death rate per thousand among the Indians last year was 30.76.

And not only this, these clinics have demonstrated that nearly one-half the people examined have trachoma or other serious eye diseases, and have been the means of awakening the Government to its responsibility in the matter, so that three government hospitals have already been started in the mountains for the treatment of trachoma.

A steward kicked him down the gangway, a doctor pounced upon his eyes like a raven, seeking for trachoma or ophthalmia; he was hustled ashore and ejected into the city in the name of Liberty perhaps, theoretically, thus inoculating against kingocracy with a drop of its own virus.

And there was a threat in the Indian voices that answered from the audience, "Let speak! Let speak." Levine conferred hastily with Farwell and the Indian Agent, then the three with manifest reluctance stood back and Charlie led the old Indian to the foot of the platform. Old Wolf was half blind with trachoma. He was emaciated with sickness and slow starvation.

When we had read the letter, the father of the family, Albert Cesspouch, a man of about forty-five, blind from trachoma, which affects so many of the Indians, stood up and drawing his blanket around him held up his hand to signify that he was going to speak. With the natural dignity of the Indian, he commenced to talk in the Ute tongue, his daughter Rosita interpreting for him.

As soon as they arrived in camp 25 men were attacked with tertian malaria; 15 are cured, 10 are still being treated with quinine. Of 7 attacked with dysentery 5 are now cured. Ten men were suffering from trachoma and are still being treated with protargol. There has been no typhoid fever, nor typhus, nor any other epidemic in the camp.

So that's why I have it." She was examining the bottles. "But you have atropin also. Why is that?" "There's a good deal of ophthalmia or trachoma floating around some native districts. I thought I might experiment." "And this" she picked up a third bottle "ah, yes, morphia. But how much alike they all are."