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The hills are traceable in a broken line for a considerable distance, perhaps twenty miles, in a North-Easterly direction. No doubt some good water-hole exists amongst these hills, judging from the tracks of kangaroos, turkeys, and dingoes.

But with one of his light fingers, we may fancy that he took as good as he gave; for every rag of his tail, he would manage to indemnify himself upon the population in the shape of food, or wine, or ringing money; and his route would be traceable across France and Burgundy by housewives and inn-keepers lamenting over petty thefts, like the track of a single human locust.

For the most part the dissatisfaction was a subtle thing, an undercurrent of which Elizabeth was aware, but upon which she could lay no finger of rebuke, but at times it was more traceable, and then, to the young teacher's surprise, Jake Ransom had ways of dealing with the offenders outside of school hours.

Though this system is only once mentioned in the Rigveda, and that in a hymn of late date, scholars find traces of it in the arrangement of the hymns, and as it is found in Persia, the Indians probably had it before they entered India. It may even, it is judged, be traceable to the division of ranks among the primitive Aryan families.

The preceding chapters describe established customs in home entertaining. Such rules remain in force for the home conditions. But who can live in this electric-motor age without noting the gradual variation in "the ways of doing things" changes that are directly traceable to the influence of modern inventions?

I found in it several quaint ornaments besides those already mentioned, but only one thing which any relation to my story would justify specific mention of namely, an ivory label, discoloured with age, on which was traceable the very number Sir Giles had read from the scabbard of Sir Wilfrid's sword.

At their feet, some fourteen yards below, flowed the quiet waters of the Savannah, visible for some distance above and traceable through its green landscape till it emptied itself into the ocean.

On arriving near the place known as Gran Quivira where once stood a prosperous Spanish town, devoted to gathering gold, now only a ruin, scarcely traceable, and altogether without record they again changed their course, almost zigzagging back in a north-westerly direction.

Beyond the ditch or canal which opened on the river was a large area, still traceable, in the form of an irregular triangle, surrounded by a ditch, and apparently by palisades. "Nous leur auons dresse vn Hospice ou Cabane d'ecorce." No doubt the buildings of Sainte Marie were of the roughest, rude walls of boards, windows without glass, vast chimneys of unhewn stone.

The evil of our life to-day is traceable to offspring, born of false and foolish mothers-of wild and reckless fathers." "It's a great evil, I own, but how can we avert it?" "By making our marriages pure and holy, and by changing our relations after the life of each is exhausted." "But what would become of the children?" "That is another question, and one which would settle itself.