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For an instant, Toussaint gazed on the aged, worn, melancholy countenance beside him, and then stooped from his horse, to fling his arms round the neck of his brother, breathing into his ear, "If you are in your duty at such a time as this, who else dare fail me? I thank God! I thank God! We cannot fail." Paul withdrew himself, without speaking. His action was sullen.

Toussaint disappeared in the inner apartment; but not before he saw a smile on Papalier's face a smile which told of amusement at the idea of a negro sending dispatches of any importance to the head of the government of the Spanish colony. The General did not seem to feel any of the same amusement. His countenance was perplexed and anxious.

However, at that moment an infant was heard wailing, and to the amazement of both visitors Madame Toussaint entered the little closet where her son Charles had so long slept, and came out of it carrying a child, who looked scarcely twenty months old. "Well, yes," she explained, "this is Charles's boy.

The French proclamation was efficiently published along the line of march of the blacks. They shouted and sang the tidings of their freedom, joining with them the name of Toussaint Breda.

As you, however, are not to be made responsible for the faults of your government towards us, the offending parties have been amply punished." "I," said Hedouville, from the sofa behind, "I am held responsible for the faults of our government towards you. What are they?" "We will discuss them at Cap," replied Toussaint.

And if in the depths of pestilential workshops and factories the slavery of ancient times subsists in the wage-earning system, if such men as Toussaint still die of want on their pallets like broken-down beasts of burden, it is nevertheless a fact that once already, on a memorable day of tempest, Liberty sprang forth from the vat to wing her flight throughout the world.

Toussaint was hurried off to France, where he died a year later from the hardships to which he was exposed at the fort of Joux among the Juras. Long before the cold of a French winter claimed the life of Toussaint, his antagonist fell a victim to the sweltering heats of the tropics. On November 2nd, 1802, Leclerc succumbed to the unhealthy climate and to his ceaseless anxieties.

He was called to Paris by Toussaint, when he arrived just at the moment of the peace of Amiens, and found, to his inexpressible surprise and grief, that Bonaparte was preparing an immense armament, to be commanded by Le Clerc, for the purpose of restoring slavery in St. Domingo!

Christophe saw, by a glance at his friend's countenance, that he was right. "I should act as you do," Henri continued, "if I were certain of a full and generous reciprocity of feeling on the part of the government and of Bonaparte. But I have no such confidence." "Hear him!" cried Dessalines and Raymond. "You were not wont to doubt Bonaparte, Henri," observed Toussaint.

When she had finished, she remained wrapped in thought. All at once, it seemed to her that she heard the sound of footsteps in the garden. It could not be her father, he was absent; it could not be Toussaint, she was in bed, and it was ten o'clock at night. She stepped to the shutter of the drawing-room, which was closed, and laid her ear against it.