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"I quite appreciate your delicacy, Ham." Mr. Tooting's face took on once more a sheepish look, which changed almost immediately to one of disquietude. "Say, I'll come back again some day and kid with you. I've got to go, Aust that's straight. This is my busy day." "Wouldn't you gain some time if you left by the window?" Austen asked. At this suggestion Mr.

Speaker Doby a most convenient and congenial arrangement; farther down the board were State Senator Nat Billings, Mr. Mr. Tooting's description would not have stopped here. Sensations are common in the Pelican Hotel, but when Austen Vane walked in that evening between the Gaylords, father and son, many a hungry guest laid down his knife and fork and stared.

Bascom suggested; "you've got us terrified since your friend from Leith turned the light of publicity on us this morning. I hear Ham Tooting's been in and made you an offer." News travels fast in Ripton.

"How many people are in there?" Mr. Crewe demanded. "Twenty-seven, when I came out," said Mr. Tooting, with commendable accuracy. "But it wants fifteen minutes to eight." "And who," asked Mr. Crewe, "is to introduce me?" An expression of indignation spread over Mr. Tooting's face. "There ain't a man in Ripton's got sand enough!" he exclaimed.

Bascom suggested; "you've got us terrified since your friend from Leith turned the light of publicity on us this morning. I hear Ham Tooting's been in and made you an offer." News travels fast in Ripton.

He says he was astonished. Did the whole delegation go up to Leith, or only a committee?" Mr. Tooting's grin had by this time spread all over his face a flood beyond his control. "Well, there's no use puffin' it on with you, Aust. That was done pretty slick, that twenty-prominent-citizen business, if I do say it myself.

They say he's got Adam to cough up six thousand extra since five o'clock, but the question is ain't he stringin' us? He paid six hundred for a block of ten not quarter of an hour ago and nine of 'em were our delegates." It must be remembered that these are Mr. Tooting's words, and Mr. Crewe evidently treated them as the product of that gentleman's vivid imagination.

He says he was astonished. Did the whole delegation go up to Leith, or only a committee?" Mr. Tooting's grin had by this time spread all over his face a flood beyond his control. "Well, there's no use puffin' it on with you, Aust. That was done pretty slick, that twenty-prominent-citizen business, if I do say it myself.

He went off on an excursion up the State instead, for he had been working too hard; and he returned, as many men do from their travels, a conservative. He listened coldly to Mr. Tooting's impassioned pleas for cleaner politics, until Mr. Tooting revealed the fact that his pockets were full of copy.

Speaker Doby a most convenient and congenial arrangement; farther down the board were State Senator Nat Billings, Mr. Mr. Tooting's description would not have stopped here. Sensations are common in the Pelican Hotel, but when Austen Vane walked in that evening between the Gaylords, father and son, many a hungry guest laid down his knife and fork and stared.