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You'd have a gibbet if you could, wouldn't you? You with your rebellion and your tinpot honours! A puling baby could conspire as well as you. And all the world laughing at you v'la!" "Get out of this room and take your feet from my Manor, Tardif," said the Seigneur with a deadly quietness, "or it will be the worse for you." "Your Manor pish!" The man laughed a hateful laugh. "Your Manor?

It is not all bric-a-brac and moonlight and chivalric tinpot helmets. It is the real Spain of to-day, the Spain that has at last awakened to the light of the twentieth century after sleeping so long, after sleeping, notwithstanding the desperate nudging it was given a century ago by the realist Goya.

As for the actual levies, they would solemnly man prepared positions within easy range of even a 3-pounder when we visited their tinpot ports, relying on us not to fire, and telling their compatriots what they would do if we did.

Britling's pen stopped. There was perfect stillness in the study bedroom. "The tinpot style," said Mr. Britling at last in a voice of extreme bitterness. He fell into an extraordinary quarrel with his style.

"D'ye think I mind what you and your little tinpot crew say. You wait till we get ashore, my friend, and the mate too. Both of you wait!"

Much better dead. But, anyhow, they were artists. Even I with my tinpot voice singing 'Annie Laurie' and 'The Sands of Dee' and such-like clap-trap which brings a lump in the throat of the grocer and his wife, am an artist. But you, my dear fellow with your fifty billiard cues on top of your nose? There's a devil of a lot of skill about it of course but nothing artistic. It means nothing."

The natives can purchase from the "compound" store every possible thing they want, from a tinpot to a blanket, from a suit of old clothes to a pannikin of mealies.

The captain drank a full pint of water at a single draught. "That's refreshing," he said, returning Jack the tinpot, "and I feel the cooler for it. How much does it want of daylight, Jack?" "Two hours, I think, sir. The order was passed to me to have all hands called as soon as it was broad day." "Ay, that is right. We must get our anchor and be off as soon as there is light to do it in.

"He's not a bad sort," said Mr. Henchy, "only Fanning has such a loan of him. He means well, you know, in his own tinpot way." The boy came back with the corkscrew. The old man opened three bottles and was handing back the corkscrew when Mr. Henchy said to the boy: "Would you like a drink, boy?" "If you please, sir," said the boy.

You'd have a gibbet if you could, wouldn't you? You with your rebellion and your tinpot honours! A puling baby could conspire as well as you. And all the world laughing at you v'la!" "Get out of this room and take your feet from my Manor, Tardif," said the Seigneur with a deadly quietness, "or it will be the worse for you." "Your Manor pish!" The man laughed a hateful laugh. "Your Manor?