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And the brother of the sun and moon perceived that he was in the minority; concealing therefore his bile, he graciously ordered refreshments for the envoy, saying, "Let the dog be fed," and retired to the apartment of the peerless Chaoukeun. Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti.

But the rumour of his sentence flew on the wind to Suchong Pollyhong Ka-te-tow; and before the executioner could arrive, he had mounted a horse fleeter than the wind, and with the portrait of the peerless Chaoukeun in his vest, had left even rumour far behind. Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti. And to whom did the miscreant minister fly, to hide his devoted head?

But the rumour of his sentence flew on the wind to Suchong Pollyhong Ka-te-tow; and before the executioner could arrive, he had mounted a horse fleeter than the wind, and with the portrait of the peerless Chaoukeun in his vest, had left even rumour far behind. Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti. And to whom did the miscreant minister fly, to hide his devoted head?

"Thus charms were born to be enthroned In hearts, and youth to be caress'd; And beauty is not, if not own'd, At least by one adoring breast." Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti.

The brother of the sun and moon had wed beauty had been laid at the golden feet the pearl beyond price had been found and lost. There had been joy and there had been sorrow in life and sorrow in death. The Black Dragon had proved the foe to the celestial empire, for it had swallowed up the pearl beyond all price. Ti-tum, ti-tum, tilly-lilly, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti.

Joy in life, sorrow both in life and death; for a black dragon, foe to the celestial empire, threatens like an overhanging cloud. More the stars dare not reveal." Ti-tum, till-lilly, ti-tum, ti. Here the pacha looked at Mustapha and nodded his head in approbation, as much as to say, "Now we are coming to the point." Mustapha bowed, and the Chinese poet continued.

If thy humble slave may be permitted to advise, thou wilt call in the Chinese dog with two tails, who hath as yet repeated but one of his tales." "Not so," replied the pacha; "I am weary of his eternal ti-tum, tilly-lilly, which yet ringeth in mine ears. What else canst thou propose?"

But first he struck his instrument, and ran over a short prelude, which may be imagined by a series of false notes, running as follows: Ti-tum, titum, tilly-lilly, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, titum, tilly-lilly, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti. As he proceeded in his story, whenever he was out of breath, he stopped, and struck a few notes of his barbarous music.

"Thus charms were born to be enthroned In hearts, and youth to be carest, And beauty is not, if not own'd, At least by one adoring breast." Ti-tum, tilly-lilly, ti-tum, ti.

Those eyes which should have sunned a court of princes, were dimmed with eternal sorrow. And who was the cause of this eclipse, but the miscreant, gold-loving minister, Suchong Pollyhong Ka-te-tow. Ti-tum, tilly-lilly. The mandarins were summoned by the great Youantée, the court in its splendour bowed down their heads into the dust of delight as they listened to the miracle of his eloquence.