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Philalethe, or the representative of Locke, says: “Liberty is the power that a man has to do or not to do an action according to his will.” Theophile, or the representative of Leibnitz, replies: “If men understood only that by liberty, when they ask whether the will is free, their question would be truly absurd.” And again: “The question ought not to be asked,” says Philalethe, “if the will is free: that is to speak in a very improper manner: but if man is free.

Theophile Gautier modified the incident novel in many short tales, a kind of writing for which the French have always been famous, and of which the writings of Gautier were masterpieces. Since 1830 the tendency has been towards novels of contemporary life.

"I thought you did," said I. "I don't suppose American girls are much different from English ones in instinct." "Isn't it Theophile Gautier who says that the only difference between country and country lie in the slang and the uniform of the police?" That one falls in love with her goes without saying, but that is not enough. A mission should be established.

There was, of course, a streak in him of that French paradox, that impish trifling with things fundamental, which the English temperament dislikes and resents; as when he wrote the Abbesse de Jouarre, or threw out the whimsical doubt in a passing sentence of one of his latest books, whether, after all, his life of labor and self-denial had been worth while, and whether, if he had lived the life of an Epicurean, like Theophile Gautier, he might not have got more out of existence.

"We are all so happy here, that we love songs of sorrow." "Sweet Princess," said the Wizard, "King Theophile intends to make war upon you, and I have come to tell you that already your subjects have built a fine invisible wall of good deeds and sacrifices; but they must not perform all the labor and have all the pain while the nobles jest and feast.

Theophile Gautier, Jules Sandeau, and Leon Gozlan were among the members; and so dazzling were the pictures drawn by Balzac of the powers and scope of the society, that each one saw himself in imagination with a seat in the French Academy, and in succession peer of France, minister, and millionaire.

Monday evening Theophile, the missing, showed his rather sheepish countenance in Manuela's parlour, and explained that he, with some chosen spirits, had gone for a trip "over the Lake." "I did not ask you where you were yesterday," replied the girl, saucily. Theophile shrugged his shoulders and changed the conversation.

Ugalde dined with us and sang "Patria." I escorted Mme. Ugalde to her home in the Rue de Chabanais, then returned to bed. The concierge said to me: "Monsieur, they say that bombs will fall in this neighbourhood to-night." "That is all right," I replied. "I am expecting one." December 29. Heavy firing all night. The Prussians continue their attack. Theophile Gautier has a horse.

A railway train would come through at midnight, and by that train he would take away Bebelle to look for Theophile in England and at his forgiven daughter's. At midnight, on a moonlight night, Mr. The Englishman came creeping forth like a harmless assassin, with Bebelle on his breast instead of a dagger.

He did not notice that two men crept into the room to listen to him. One was Sylvain Kohn, a passionate lover of music God knows why! for he knew nothing at all about it, and he liked bad music just as well as good. The other was the musical critic, Theophile Goujart. He it simplifies matters so much neither understood nor loved music: but that did not keep him from talking about it.