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The dryness of the atmosphere destroys aerial perspective; and the view looks flat as a scene-painting. The terraced roofs suggest to Britishers that the top-floor has been blown off.

The fresh and golden light falls on a walled city with turrets and towers and frequent gates: the houses of freestone, with terraced or oval roofs, sparkle in the sun, while the cupolaed pile of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the vast monasteries, and the broad steep of Sion crowned with the tower of David, vary the monotony of the general masses of building.

The engineer was richer by five dollars, and the son of a railroad president is a privileged character, anyway. Yes, here was Brampton, and in spite of the haze the sun had never shone so brightly on the terraced steeple of the meeting-house. He leaped out of the cab almost before the engine had stopped, and beamed upon everybody on the platform, even upon Mr. Dodd, who chanced to be there.

He fashioned himself a half-dozen more of these highly-efficient shafts, and then set out again this time down the ravine to seek a living target for his practice. The ravine was winding and of irregular width, terraced here and there with broken ledges, here and there cut into by steep little narrow gullies.

The pleasure-grounds were laid out in the Dutch style then in vogue, and the slopes of the valley were terraced, planted with evergreens, and adorned with statues. Modern landscape-gardening has somewhat varied the details, but the original design remains.

Forests again fringe thee forests of giant trees the spreading platanus, the tall tulip-tree, and the yellow-green cotton-wood rising in terraced groves from the margin of thy waters. Forests stand upon thy banks, and the wreck of forests is borne upon thy bubbling bosom! I pass thy last great affluent, whose crimson flood just tinges the hue of thy waters.

Their crest is everywhere very steep, and the inner slope is much terraced. There is a small but conspicuous mountain in the interior; N. of which I have seen a long ridge, where Schmidt shows some hillocks.

As we rode out, over the dry and sandy road, we were impressed by the display of death; not only was there one cemetery, with its whitened walls and monuments, but at least three other burial places capped the little hillocks at the border of the town. One, particularly attracted attention, as it resembled an ancient terraced pyramid, with a flight of steps up one side.

He had been asleep, and it was daybreak. Everything was coldly clear and colourless. He must have slept soundly. He heard a cock crow, and another answer jungle fowl these must be, because there could be no village within earshot and then far away and bringing back memories of terraced houses and ripe walled gardens, was the scream of peacocks.

An outlook upon the generations reminds us of a highway along which the retreating army has passed, leaving abandoned guns and silent cannon with men dead and dying. Travelers from tropical Mexico describe ruined cities and lovely villages away from which civilized men journey, leaving temples and terraced gardens to moss and ivy.