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There will presently not be ships or tankers enough and our shipbuilding plans may not begin to yield important results in less than eighteen months. I believe that you will keep these instructions absolutely and entirely to yourself, and that you will give me such advice as you would give if you were handling and if you were running a navy of your own.

To-day oil can be brought at a small expense from west of the Mississippi River to the Atlantic seaboard, refined, and distributed throughout that part of the country, or loaded into "tankers," that is, steamships containing strong tanks of steel, and so taken across the ocean. The pipes are made of iron and are six or eight inches or more in diameter.

"Don't know, and won't until I learn the method. But just north of us is the west-to-east track of outbound low-power steamers, which, I take it, means tramps and tankers. Well, we'll have good use for a tanker." "You mean we're to hold up one for oil?" "Of course, and for grub if we need it." "Piracy, Forsythe." "Have pirates got anything on us, now?" asked Forsythe. "What are we?

It was not as spirited as the red and black tugs that herd tankers to the Montreal pipeline, nothing could match the tugboats but the ferry was close; it had the human touch, a dory that couldn't stay away from cheesecake, broad in the beam, resolute, proof against the cold rollers of the outer bay. After two long blasts, the ferry churned away from the wharf.

I have always associated elections since that time with jelly-making; for just as my mother would fill the cups and tankers and bowls with jelly to save cans, she was emptying the pots and pans to make way for the ale and porter. James and me was to help to carry it home from the square him in the pitcher and me in a flagon, because I was silly for my age and not strong in the arms.

Moreover, now that it seems inevitable that we shall get in the war ourselves, it's going to be next to impossible to get tankers at any price to bring the oil up from Mexico. But I'm only a tyro yet; Kearn Thode can give you the details far better than I can. What's become of him, by the way?" "He's out West, somewhere." Winnie ground out the stub of his cigarette.

I have always associated elections since that time with jelly-making; for just as my mother would fill the cups and tankers and bowls with jelly to save cans, she was emptying the pots and pans to make way for the ale and porter. James and me was to help to carry it home from the square him in the pitcher and me in a flagon, because I was silly for my age and not strong in the arms.

The next day the Air Force identified the UFO's; they were Air Force airplanes, KC-97 aerial tankers, refueling B-47 jet bombers in flight. The reason for the weird effect that startled so many Southern Californians was that when the refueling is taking place a floodlight on the bottom of the tanker airplane lights up the bomber that is being refueled.