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"I should think she was a great impediment to Washington." "I reckon that's the way her son got big," exclaimed Rhoda; "if his mar had laid down in bed all day, he couldn't have killed King George so easy with his swurd." "I often said to Cousin Martha, 'What did you see in this big horse of a man? 'Oh, she replied, 'he's the best overseer in Virginia.

Against the tyrant that has abused his trust, an' upset oor constitution, an' broken a' the laws o' God and man, I count it to be my bounden duty to fecht wi' swurd an' lip as lang's I hae an airm to strike an' a tongue to wag. Noo, ye may dae yer warst!" At a signal the executioner promptly fitted the boot to the bold man's right leg.

"Did the gineral dance at the ball?" asked Rhoda. "What did he do with his swurd? Did he dance with it outen his scibburd?" "He danced like a gentleman," Mrs. Tilghman replied, as if she would rather not, "and led me out in the first set. You danced with him, Vesta, at the ball in '24, forty-three years afterwards. Does he sniffle yet?" "I don't recollect, grand-aunt.

"Div ye think it's likely I'll staund before you in fair fecht, as you ca'd you wi' a swurd, and me wi' a bit stick, my lad? Na, na, ye'll hae to submit, little though ye like it." "Give me the stick, then, and take you the sword, I shall be content," said the indignant trooper, making another violent but unsuccessful effort to free himself.

Ye canna objec' to that, surely, for I'll be your prisoner as muckle as you'll be mine and that'll be fair play, for we'll leave the swurd lyin' on the brae to keep the bit stick company." "Well, I agree to that," said Wallace, in a tone that indicated surprise with a dash of amusement. "An' ye promise no' to try to get away when you're tied to when I'm tied to you?" "I promise."