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She waited patiently until, at last, Lilias deigned to read her lover's letter, watching her face with scrutinising eyes. It was evident that something in the closely-written sheet did not commend itself to the girl's approval; for as she read the white forehead grew fretted with lines, and the lips took a sullen droop.

Several people paced to and from the veranda, appearing suddenly and as suddenly vanishing in the gloom. Only the light of a vessel far out at sea penetrated the darkness and shone with a muffled, sullen glare.

It was not alone that she was all things to all men; it was that she led men and women who knew her to the summits of their aspirations. Even Standish Burton, big, sullen man that he was, immersed in his engineering problems, responded to his wife's spiritual charm with a readiness that always aroused in Dick and myself an admiration for him that our other knowledge of him did not justify.

You keep trying to fashion another oh! yes, you have been at it from a boy, you see I have got a good memory, I remember all your 'vision stories' and then you try to imagine its inhabitants." "Well," said Morris, with the sullen air of a convicted criminal, "without admitting one word of this nonsense, what if I do?" "Only that you had better look out that you don't find whatever it is you seek.

The sullen hostility of mystery surrounded them all; their life was precarious, necessitating incessant care in order to maintain it, yet in spite of that, the crew for ages and ages, had never known an instant of agreement, of team work, of clear reason. Periodically half of them would clash with the other half.

Several times between lunch and dinner that day had Amaryllis wondered why Dick Bellamy was so taciturn silent and sombre almost to moroseness. But Randal had no doubt that he knew. Dick, the least sullen and most even-tempered of men, was for once at war with himself. The midnight phantom had become a daylight obsession.

She could see the faces of the men, thrown back, swaying; there was no terror in them, only a sort of sullen anger and resentment. She stood on the narrow sandy track beside the causeway to let it pass, and when a gap came in the train she dashed through to get to John. And John was not there.

Of the inhabitants of the place around him, who for the most part had congregated there since he had come among them, he saw but little, and his neighbours said that he was sullen and melancholic. But, according to their degrees, he had been a friend to Thomas Thwaite, and now, in his emergency, the son called upon the poet.

With the recklessness of despair Jerry slept late that next morning, but he might have awakened early without spoiling his wife's plans. She was up betimes, had gone on her mission and returned before her spouse awoke. It was about ten o'clock when Brabant came to see him. Jerry grew sullen at once as his master approached, but his pride stiffened.

No pictures, flowers, nor the dainty things which normal women crave were to be seen. On the cot sat a woman, Marie Wentworth, sullen and defiant, a worse than failure, locked in this protected room of a special hospital.