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It was the first time he gave me my Christian name since I made his acquaintance. His company was not to be denied. We made up some bear-meal bannocks, and a collop of boiled venison in a knapsack that I carried on my back, borrowed plaids from some of the common soldiery, and set out for Strongara at the mouth of the night, with the snow still driving over the land.

They plunged into the caldine trees of Strongara, sped fast across Aray at Three Bridges, and the dawn was on Balantyre, where the farm-touns high and low lay like thatched forts, grey, cold, unwelcoming in the morning, with here and there a stream of peat reek from the greasach of the night's fires. They became, as it might be, children again as they hastened through the country.

We were up early betimes in the morning of our departure for Lorn, though our march was fixed for the afternoon, as we had to await the arrival of some officers from Ceanntyre; and John and I, preparing our accoutrements, began to talk of the business that lay heaviest at my heart the leaving of the girl we had found in Strongara wood.

Count Victor eluded the more obvious danger of the town, but in his forenoon ramble stumbled into one almost as great as that he had been instructed to avoid. He had gone through the wood of Strongara and come suddenly upon the cavalcade that bore the doomed man to the scene of his execution thirty or forty miles away.

"How came you round about these parts?" she asked for our brief account of our doings held no explanation of our presence in the wood of Strongara. "Ask himself here," said John, cocking a thumb over his shoulder at me; "I have the poorest of scents on the track of a woman." Betty turned to me with less interest in the question than she had shown when she addressed it first to my friend.