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Stiver's attention as purely speculative, was not shocked at this unprofitable denouement; but when Peg refused to give anything to clear the mortgage off the new Presbyterian Church, and even declined to take shares in the Union Ditch, considered by many as an equally sacred and safe investment, she began to lose favor.

Stiver's attention as purely speculative, was not shocked at this unprofitable denouement; but when Peg refused to give anything to clear the mortgage off the new Presbyterian church, and even declined to take shares in the Union Ditch, considered by many as an equally sacred and safe investment, she began to lose favor.

The shaking of Pat Stiver's head was a most emphatic answer. "No," said he, "wotiver you do, have nothin' to do wi' the p'leece. They're a low-minded, pig-headed set, wi' their `move on's, an' their `now then, little un's; an' their grabbin's of your collars, without no regard to w'ether they're clean or not, an' their "

The approach of strangers is charged with a tremendous significance to those immured in a wilderness. They bated their breaths to hear better. Garth scowled. "If they come back they can starve!" he said shortly. "They'll not get another stiver's worth from our store!" Natalie's ears were very sharp. "There are more than two!" she said suddenly. "Four six more than that!" Garth's face cleared.

"Do you remember," asked the poet, with a chuckle, "that California girl we met at Stiver's studio last week? Well, I'm on my way to see her. She repeated that poem of mine, 'The Tribute of Spring, word for word. She's the smartest proposition in this town just at present. Say, how does this confounded tie look? I spoiled four before I got one to set right."