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There is no sign of clothing, except on one figure which shows a long shirt and a plain bodice with very low neck. All these statuettes are characterized by what is known as steatopygy, that is, the over-development of the fat which lies on and behind the hips and thighs. Steatopygous figures have been found in many places, viz.

She would not give up the venerable and aristocratic tradition that a lady should ever be reposeful. "Another year or so," warned Jane, "and you'll be as steatopygous as the bride of a Hottentot chief." "What does steat that word mean?" said Martha suspiciously. "Look in the dictionary," said Jane. "Its synonyms aren't used by refined people."

Finally Halsaflieni has yielded several steatopygous figurines. Some of these resemble those of Hagiar Kim, but two are of rather different type. Each of these represents a female lying on a rather low couch. In the better preserved of the two she lies on her right side, her head on a small uncomfortable-looking pillow.

In the first place it has been suggested that they represent women of a steatopygous type, like the modern Bushwomen, and that this race was in early days widely diffused in the Mediterranean and in South Europe. Another hypothesis is that they represent not a truly steatopygous type of women, but only an abnormally fat type.

In Thessaly fine red ware undecorated contemporary with red decoration on white. Chocolate paint on deep buff follows. Incised ware, geometric patterns white rubbed in. Figurines. Rude clay. Steatopygous. This civilization extended from northern edge of Thessaly as far south as Chaeronea. Use of bronze before end uncertain.

It is well known that with many Hottentot women the posterior part of the body projects in a wonderful manner; they are steatopygous; and Sir Andrew Smith is certain that this peculiarity is greatly admired by the men. Idem illustrissimus viator dixit mihi praecinctorium vel tabulam foeminae, quod nobis teterrimum est, quondam permagno aestimari ab hominibus in hac gente.

Yet among famous Greek statues there is also a steatopygous Venus." The office boy came to the door, and his knock woke Uncle out of his revery. He excused himself to his caller, and, returning to me, went on: "I have been ah I admit, rather evading the personal question.