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Full of energy and spirit, the youth steps forward, physically rugged, of athletic prowess and sportsmanly character, intelligent, frank, clearbrowed, fearless and straightforward of gaze, bearing his books with care and ease and draped with the academic gown, symbol of scholastic achievement.

The audience was profoundly moved. Cries of "Bless his 'eart!" and "Good old Ogden!" rang through the house. "Great!" said the big man. "It illustrates," replied Mr. Clarkson, "the popular sympathy with the fugitive, combined with the public's love of vicarious piety." "Fine dog," said the sportsmanly Albert. "It was a clever touch," Mr.

Perhaps because the trout of his acquaintance had not cared for this fly. Or maybe he considered the Belle not sportsmanly. The Brown Hackle and Royal Coachman did well, however, and, in later fishing on this lake, we found them more reliable than the gayer flies. In the afternoon, the shallows failed us.

Perhaps this was only one of many such experiences which had occurred all along the trail from Selkirk, and the pursuer had recognised both the motive and the challenge. Well, if you're compelled to play the game of life-taking, you may as well keep your temper, and set about it sportsmanly with a jest. Even in this horrid revelation of character there was some of the old Spurling left.

Never believe what you are told, that midsummer is the best time to go up the streets of the mountain well perhaps for the merely idle or sportsmanly or scientific; but for seeing and understanding, the best time is when you have the longest leave to stay. And here is a hint if you would attempt the stateliest approaches; travel light, and as much as possible live off the land.

Never believe what you are told, that midsummer is the best time to go up the streets of the mountain well perhaps for the merely idle or sportsmanly or scientific; but for seeing and understanding, the best time is when you have the longest leave to stay. And here is a hint if you would attempt the stateliest approaches; travel light, and as much as possible live off the land.

He looked at Terry with a world of understanding, wheeled about slowly and went ponderously back to his corner. "That was sportsmanly of you." It was Tabs speaking. "I'd like to know how much " The coster shook his head. "It don't cost you nothink. Me and you used ter share." Tabs protested. The man climbed the running-board and pushed his grime-stained hand into the car.

"I was only wondering," she made hesitant answer, "if a box of very wonderful cigars, sent to him with our cards, mightn't perhaps " "It's a fine sportsmanly proposition!" laughed the Master. "When women get to ruling the world of sport, there'll be no need of comic cartoons. Genuine photographs will do as well.