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He's a camsteary chield, and fasheous about marches, and we've had some bits o' splores thegither; but deil o'meif I wad wrang Jock o' Dawston neither. 'Thou'rt an honest fellow, said the Lawyer; 'get thee to bed. Thou wilt sleep sounder, I warrant thee, than many a man that throws off an embroidered coat and puts on a laced nightcap. Colonel, I see you are busy with our enfant trouve.

Na, na, chap, we are no ganging to the laird's, but to a blithe birling at the Brokenburn-foot, where there will be mony a braw lad and lass; and maybe there may be some of the laird's folks, for he never comes to sic splores himsell. He is all for fowling-piece and salmon-spear, now that pike and musket are out of the question. 'He has been at soldier, then? said I.

He's a camsteary chield, and fasheous about marches, and we've had some bits o' splores thegither; but deil o' me if I wad wrang Jock o' Dawston neither. 'Thou'rt an honest fellow, said the Lawyer; 'get thee to bed. Thou wilt sleep sounder, I warrant thee, than many a man that throws off an embroidered coat and puts on a laced nightcap. Colonel, I see you are busy with our enfant trouve.

There are new brooms out to sweep the country of them, they say; for the brush was a hard one; and they say there was a lad drowned; he was not one of the laird's gang, so there was the less matter. 'Peace! prithee, peace, Job Rutledge, said honest, pacific Mr. Trumbull. 'I wish thou couldst remember, man, that I desire to know nothing of your roars and splores, your brooms and brushes.

And now, you that like to hear o' splores, heard ye ever o' a better ane than I hae had this morning?" "Air, ocean, and fire," said the Dwarf, speaking to himself, "the earthquake, the tempest, the volcano, are all mild and moderate, compared to the wrath of man. And what is this fellow, but one more skilled than others in executing the end of his existence?

He's a camsteary chield, and fasheous about marches, and we've had some bits o' splores thegither; but deil o'meif I wad wrang Jock o' Dawston neither. 'Thou'rt an honest fellow, said the Lawyer; 'get thee to bed. Thou wilt sleep sounder, I warrant thee, than many a man that throws off an embroidered coat and puts on a laced nightcap. Colonel, I see you are busy with our enfant trouve.

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