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But we'll quarrel all our lives." "Then what are you marrying him for?" asked Janet. "Why, I'm getting on twenty-two all the girls of my age are married already. I won't be an old maid, and there's nobody but Randall. Nobody good enough for a Sparhallow, that is. You wouldn't want me to marry Ned Adams or John Buchanan, would you?" "No," said Janet, who had her full share of the Sparhallow pride.

Or do you mean that you went to Granny Thomas you, a Sparhallow! and asked her for a love philtre to make me love Randall Burnley?" "I didn't tell her it was for you she thought I wanted it for myself," moaned Janet. "Oh, we must undo it I'll go to her again no doubt she knows of some way to undo the spell " Avery, whose rages never lasted long, threw back her dark head and laughed ringingly.

For it was made of an apple-green silk, sprayed over with tiny rosebuds, which had been specially sent for to England, where Aunt Matilda Sparhallow had a brother in the silk trade. Avery Sparhallow's wedding dress was making far more of a sensation in Burnley Beach than her wedding itself was making.

Yet very little could bring that transforming flush to her face: a wind off the gulf, a sudden glimpse of blue upland, a flame-red poppy, a baby's laugh, a certain footstep. As for Avery Sparhallow, she never got excited over anything not even her wedding dress, which had come from Charlottetown that day, and was incomparably beyond anything that had ever been seen in Burnley Beach before.

Granny looked so angry that Janet hastened to appease her. "Oh, please forgive me I meant no offence. Only it must have cost you much trouble to make it." Granny chuckled again. She was vastly pleased to see a Sparhallow suing to her a Sparhallow! "Toads am cheap," she said. "It's all in the knowing how and the time o' the moon.

Janet was cold again with anger. She hated old Granny Thomas. She would never come near her again. "I'd rather pay you its worth," she said coldly. "You couldn't, dearie. What money could be eno' for such a treasure? But that's the Sparhallow pride. Well, go, see if the Sparhallow pride and the Sparhallow money will buy you your lad's love."