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I was wakened by a hand taking mine; and opening my eyes, I recognized the doctor. After having felt my pulse, he nodded his head, sat down at the foot of the bed, and looked at me, rubbing his nose with his snuffbox. I have since learned that this was a sign of satisfaction with the doctor.

He sneezed all the way, for he had accepted a pinch from Peter's snuffbox ignorant of its effects upon an untrained nose. While Brendon entertained no sort of regard for Giuseppe Doria, his balanced mind allowed him to view the man with impartial justice.

Clayton, with her prison-key in her pocket, and her snuffbox at hand, yielded herself to the delight of ginger-nuts and her stocking-basket, and rested calmly after her fatigues of the preceding day; and Ernie, attracted by the crunching noise the sound of dropping nuts, perhaps, which betrayed the presence of his favorite article of food hastened to keep her company a thing he never did disinterestedly, it must be confessed.

'Majesty to march at 7 to-morrow morning, said a Postscript, no Interviewing more, at present. Majesty confessed afterwards, Every hour from the very first had lowered his opinion of the Saxon Swan, till at length Goosehood became too apparent. Friedrich sent him a gold snuffbox by and by, but had no farther dialoguing.

Her father alert, vivacious, handsome, with finely cut lips that were quick to smile, and dark eyes that smiled when the lips were still followed her to the earth, shook out his ruffles, and extended his gold snuffbox to his good friend Mr. Jaquelin.

Monderling Mandolin what's his name, eh? do you not think that he is a very handsome young fellow?" said Mr. Vernon, drawing out his snuffbox and offering it to his kinsman. "Damn your snuff," quoth Sir Miles, in great choler, as he rejected the proffered courtesy with a vehemence that sent half the contents of the box upon the joint eyes and noses of the two canine favourites dozing at his feet.

It became particularly animated toward the end of the evening when the rewards bestowed by the Emperor were mentioned. "You know N N received a snuffbox with the portrait last year?" said "the man of profound intellect." "Why shouldn't S S get the same distinction?" "Pardon me! A snuffbox with the Emperor's portrait is a reward but not a distinction," said the diplomatist "a gift, rather."

He called me into his office and half raised the snuffbox off the desk as though to offer me an unwelcome pinch. "Youre a made man now, Weener," he said, thinking better of his generosity and putting the snuffbox back. "Your name will be in headlines from Alabama to Alberta and all due to the Intelligencer."

A vision in curl papers awakes ThaddeusBelated discovery of a mistakeThe tavernThe emissaryThe skilful use of a snuffbox turns discussion into the proper channelThe jungleThe bearDanger of Thaddeus and the CountThree shotsThe dispute of the Sagalas musket with the Sanguszko musket settled in favour of the single-barrelled Horeszko carbineBigosThe Seneschal’s tale of the duel of Dowejko and Domejko, interrupted by hunting the hareEnd of the tale of Dowejko and Domejko.

My host bolted the doors of his private cabinet, and took from the secret part of a wall cupboard the queen's jewel-case. We opened it between us. The first thing I noticed was a gold snuffbox, set with portraits of the king, the queen, and their two children. How I knew them I cannot tell. Their pictured faces had never been put before my conscious eyes until that moment.