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Hadn't we best make sure?" "Perhaps you'd better let him vamoose," said Flood Rawley, anxiously. "Jansen is a law-abiding place." The reply was decisive. Jansen had its honor to keep. It was the home of the Pioneers Laura Sloly was a Pioneer.

Whether or no Laura Sloly was in love with the Faith Healer, Jansen must look to its own honor and hers. In any case, this peripatetic saint at Sloly's Ranch the idea was intolerable; women must be saved in spite of themselves. Laura was now in the house by the side of the bedridden Mary Jewell, waiting, confident, smiling, as she held the wasted hand on the coverlet.

It mattered little whether most people were changed or not because one state of their minds could not be less or more interesting than another; but a change in Laura. Sloly could not be for the better.

He was a rough diamond, but he was a diamond, and was typical of the West its heart, its courage, its freedom, and its force; capable of exquisite gentleness, strenuous to exaggeration, with a very primitive religion; and the only religion Tim knew was that of human nature. Jansen did not think Tim good enough not within a comet shot for Laura Sloly; but they thought him better than any one else.

It mattered little whether most people were changed or not because one state of their minds could not be less or more interesting than another; but a change in Laura. Sloly could not be for the better.

In this corner of the West was such a revival as none could remember not even those who had been to camp-meetings in the East in their youth, and had seen the Spirit descend upon hundreds and draw them to the anxious seat. Then came the great sensation the Faith Healer converted Laura Sloly.

"May God help me to redeem my past," answered the other in a new voice. "You've got it sure?" Tim's voice was meditative. "God has spoken to me," was the simple answer. "I've got a friend'll be glad to hear that," he said; and once more, in imagination, he saw Laura Sloly standing at the door of her home, with a light in her eyes he had never seen before.

Hadn't we best make sure?" "Perhaps you'd better let him vamoose," said Flood Rawley anxiously. "Jansen is a law-abiding place!" The reply was decisive. Jansen had its honour to keep. It was the home of the Pioneers Laura Sloly was a Pioneer.

Carefully laying their plans, they quietly spread the rumour that Ingles had promised to restore to health old Mary Jewell, who had been bedridden ten years, and had sent word and prayed to have him lay his hands upon her Catholic though she was. The Faith Healer, face to face with this supreme and definite test, would have retreated from it but for Laura Sloly.

It mattered little whether most people were changed or not, because one state of their minds could not be less or more interesting than another; but a change in Laura Sloly could not be for the better.