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He told us that water, when freezing, has the property of purifying itself, and of squeezing out, as it were, all extraneous or coarse matter. Our not over-luxurious repast being finished, Andrew proposed our attempting again to ascend the berg to plant a signal-post and flag to attract the notice of any passing ship.

Above the beach and parallel with it, ran a main road, on the upper side of which were the houses, and on a swelling mound behind them rose the spire of the chapel visible far off in the Atlantic, a sacred signal-post for the guidance of the poor coaster. As soon as you reach this street or road and look around you, you feel at once you are in a foreign country and a land of strangers.

For a ship might touch at that point the sailors might seek the shore for water, and they would then search to discover where those who raised the signal-post are dwelling." "Your wish shall be fulfilled, dearest," answered Wagner; "and without delay will I seek the other side of the island." They then embraced tenderly, and Fernand departed, once more to fulfill his frightful doom!

The 28th had been ordered, on the morning of Saturday, to occupy Telegraph Mountain, an elevation in the rear of Cedar Mountain, which was used for a Federal signal-post. Nobody having notified the 28th to return to camp, they remained on the mountain, passively witnessing the carnage, and came away in the night.

Up above, on the batteries hewn in the rocks, not a living soul could be seen, but below, on the little platform where the signal-post stood near the northern battery, an armed sentry marched up and down.

"I have murdered him," said I, "and you will find him in the sands, near the signal-post; and," continued I, "I am now robbing him!" My appearance and actions seemed to prove the truth of my assertion.

Even now the wind has dropped and the sea has gone down. It will be as well to get our signal-post up, in case either of the ships should pass." I agreed with him; and calling Terence to accompany us, we told the rest that we were going to the edge of the ice to see how things were, and to set up a signal.

But old Hutchins would not hear of it; he seems to have taken a dislike to the signalman from the first, and latterly he had forbidden him to come to his house or his daughter to speak to him." "Excellent, Louis," cried Carrados in great delight. "We shall clear your man in a blaze of red and green lights yet and hang the glib, 'greasy' signalman from his own signal-post."

A little farther, and the reader gains the eastern flanking angle of the bay, where stands the pilot-house and signal-post, and whence he can see, on the line of the main coast of the island, the British and the new American consulates. The course of his walk will have been enlivened by a considerable to and fro of pleasure and business.

At about nine o'clock up ran the ball at the signal-post, which announced the approach of the mail-boat, and as she steamed behind the Castle, and anchored in the roads, there were hasty embraces and shakes of the hand on the pier, and the passengers were rowed out to embark.