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We deemed ourselves fortunate at the outset in having as a counselor the late Mr. Thos. R. Hazard, a personal friend of Mr. Seybert, and widely known throughout the land as an uncompromising Spiritualist. By the advice of Mr. Hazard we addressed ourselves first to the investigation of Independent Slate Writing, and through his aid a séance for this purpose was arranged with a noted Medium, Mrs.

"Nor is this all. It is not more true, that emigrants, generally speaking, consist of individuals in the prime of life, than that 'they are the most active and vigorous' of that age, as Dr Seybert describes them to be. They are, as it respects the principle at issue, a select class, even compared with that of their own age, generally considered.

The Stenographer is seated at the table in the rear of the company. Mr. Sellers: Now we have returned to the table. Can you indicate on the table your presence, Mr. Seybert? An interval of sixty-four seconds here followed. The Medium: Ask some questions that would interest him in life. As Mr. Sellers was repeating to Mr. Pepper the suggestion made by the Medium, three raps were heard. Mr.

Keeler a composite photograph taken by one of my sons, wherein a Spirit quite as ethereal as any of Mr. Keeler's, appears in the background. He looked at it, and returned it to me without remark. March 30th, 1886. The Seybert Commission met this evening at the house of Dr. Pepper, to investigate Spiritistic phenomena produced through the Mediumship of Mr. There were present, Dr. Pepper, Dr.

Mr. Sellers felt no vibration on the glass, but raps were heard somewhere in the vicinity. The Committee then returned to the dining-room and the Medium wrote upon a sheet of paper the following: "Friend Pepper: I am happy to meet you here to-night. I have not forgotten my promise to you, Henry Seybert."

Arrangements had been made to have all the members sit with him in turn, but it was soon decided that continuity of observation was valuable, and certain members were appointed to do the whole work. PHILADA., February 7th, 1885. A formal session of the Seybert Committee was held to-day at 8 o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. Furness, No. 222 West Washington Square.

The following correspondence explains itself: PHILADELPHIA, January 26th, 1885. DEAR DR. SLADE: I think you need no assurance that the Seybert Investigating Committee have been anxious to deal with you in the fairest spirit of impartial, unbiased, scientific investigation, and I think you will bear witness to their uniformly considerate courtesy throughout our intercourse.

My Dear Fullerton: You remember that the members of The Seybert Commission separated last evening with the understanding that we should meet Mrs. Kane again this evening, if Mrs. Kane desired it, and that they requested me to lay the question before her for her decision. Accordingly, I had an interview with her this morning, of which the following is as accurate an account as I can remember.

F.M. Dick, Mrs. J.E. Carpenter, H.H. Furness. Mrs. A.L. Wister, Mrs. Dr. Pepper, Women Searchers. Secretary. May 27th, 1885. On May 27th, The Seybert Commission held a meeting at the house of Mr. Furness, at 8 P.M., to examine the phenomena occurring in the presence of Mr. Pierre L.O.A. Keeler, a professional Medium. There were present on the part of the Commission, Dr. Pepper, Mr. Furness, Dr.

It was in no wise remarkable. The undersigned, a member of The Seybert Commission, appointed by the University, in company with one or more of the other members, at different times, from March, 1884, to April, 1887, attended twelve séances with reputed Spiritualist Mediums.