United States or Barbados ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The net result, in every civilization, has been a ruling oligarchy, self-appointed and self-perpetuating, which has shaped policy, planned and directed administration, exercised authority and lived comfortably and at least semi-parasitically on the backs of the underlying urban and rural masses, sharing its sinecure with its middle class handymen.

In this conception of the church the bond of union was not moral and spiritual not the inevitable result of divine life and love in the individual members but its pretended catholicity was to be secured by official, administrative, legislative, and judicial functions under a human headship and a self-perpetuating human magistracy.

The intelligence and the ideals which she will give to her homemaking will depend almost entirely on what she has seen in the houses where she has worked; that is, our domestic service is self-perpetuating, and upon it American homes are in great numbers being annually founded. In sharp contrast to this permanent character of housework is the transientness of factory and shop work.

They now have the voting-power of a majority of the stock; that makes the present board self-perpetuating, and responsible only to each other." "So it does, but that wasn't what I was thinking of. According to Tip, the board is one hundred per cent in favor of the merger with National Milling & Packaging.

The former communist countries in transition are supposed to be miraculously transformed by the accession process. Alas, the indelible pathologies of communism mesh well with Brussels's unmanageable, self-perpetuating and opaque bureaucracy.

In the first place, it may be safely said that of the Camorra in its historic sense the Camorra of the ritual, of the "Capo in Testa" and "Capo in Trino," highly organized with a self-perpetuating body of officers acting under a supreme head there is no trace. Indeed, as has already been explained, this phase of the Camorra, save in the prisons, is practically over, even in Naples.

The trustees formed a body differently composed from any organization for university government up to that time. As a rule, such boards in the United States were, in those days, self-perpetuating.

Measures usually adopted to prevent such a catastrophe martial law, military dictatorship, self-perpetuating monarchy, divine authority, are more than likely to heap fuel on the flames of rebellion and lead into a social revolution. An unstructured social group operating under the competitive principle "Let him take who has the power" tends to develop into absolutism.

This act, in the hands of radicals, gave the carpetbag governments of the Southern States practically unlimited powers. Any citizens who worked against the existing administrations, however peacefully, might be charged with intimidation of voters and prosecuted under the new act. Thus these radical governments were made practically self-perpetuating.

But these persons are afterward called elders. For legal purposes they were trustees, and the property held by them as such. But they were a body of elders, not elected by the congregation, but chosen by the pastors at first, and self-perpetuating. They selected the vorsteher and presented their names to the congregation to afford opportunity for objection. If not objected to they were installed.