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Some of the cases were thoroughly examined with modern methods and nothing whatever found. These three cases, then, had marked febrile reactions and leucocytosis. It is quite possible that they had infections which were not discovered. This last might be due to an internal secretion or an involuntary nervous system anomaly.

The evidence from experiment, shortly summed up, is, that insects alive or dead, and also other nitrogenous bodies, excite these glands to increased secretion; the secretion then becomes acid, and acquires the power of dissolving solid animal substances that is, the power of digestion in the manner of Drosera and Dionaea.

As this solution does not cause irritation to the tissue and yet is a strong antiseptic, it serves to shorten the period of congestion and inflammation and to overcome the infection without causing a destruction of the secreting membrane until the external wound has had time to heal. The injection of this solution seems to retard the excessive secretion of synovia.

Zal, a poisonous word, is a baleful compound of pain, sadness, secret rancor, revolt. It is a Polish quality and is in the Celtic peoples. Oppressed nations with a tendency to mad lyrism develop this mental secretion of the spleen. Liszt writes that "the Zal colors with a reflection now argent, now ardent the whole of Chopin's works. "This sorrow is the very soil of Chopin's nature.

Delicate, hair-like filaments, not unlike the pile on velvet, called cilia, spring from the epithelial lining of the air tubes. Their constant wavy movement is always upwards and outwards, towards the mouth. Thus any excessive secretion, as of bronchitis or catarrh, is carried upwards, and finally expelled by coughing.

In regard to the latter, it is noticeable that an intermittent excretion, as of bile or urine, is provided for by a continuous secretion, and that the same is true of the excretion upon whose rhythm an erroneously exceptional emphasis has been laid that of the menstrual fluid.

The tough, fibrous, outer coat of the eyeball. Scurvy. Scorbutus, a disease of the general system, having prominent skin symptoms. Resembling fat; the name of the oily secretion by which the skin is kept flexible and soft. The process of separating from the blood some essential, important fluid; which fluid is also called a secretion. Semicircular Canals. Three canals in the internal ear.

If, in fact, the interest paid by the public had not thus revolved again into its own fund, if this secretion had not again been absorbed into the mass of blood, it would have been impossible for the nation to have existed to this time under such a debt.

Where the swelling is very hard and almost inflammatory, the breast should be fomented for five or ten minutes, then emptied, and a cold cloth applied as above directed. This will usually effectually stay the secretion of milk. This last treatment is rarely required, but is harmless and most efficient. Where mother and child are both sickly, weaning must be carefully conducted.

There is good evidence that the secretion of milk may continue almost indefinitely under the stimulus of sucking or milking. Neither menstruation nor gestation put an end to it. Cows may continue to give milk until the next parturition, and if castrated during lactation will continue to yield milk for years.