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He is what he is, regardless of what other men think of him. The man who is indicted and executed as a rebel, often afterward has the word "Savior" carved on his tomb; and sometimes men who are hailed as saviors in their day are afterward found to be sham saviors to wit, charlatans. Conservation is a plan of Nature. To keep the good is to conserve.

The same thing is true of thousands and even hundreds of thousands all over the world. It is an age that calls for heroes, martyrs, servants, saviors.

He knew that across the open Bible lay the sword of war, and so where others worshiped he looked with scorn and wept. And so it has been through all the ages gone. The doubter, the investigator, the infidel, have been the saviors of liberty. The truth is beginning to be realized, and the truly intellectual are honoring the brave thinker of the past.

Highest of all are the great Prophets and Saviors, the DivineManifestations”—those perfect men Who were each, in Their day, without peer or companion, and bore the burden of the whole world, supported by God alone. “The burden of our sins was upon Him: was true of each of Them. Each was theWay, the Truth and the Lifeto His followers.

Disraeli does not say that all those in his list were saviors, for the second name he records is that of Alexander the Great, the list ending with Shelley. Giorgione died of a broken heart. The girl he loved eloped with his friend, Morta del Feltri, to whom he had proudly introduced her a short time before. It is an old story it has been played again and again to its Da Rimini finish.

Not content with the old scapegoat and sacrificial lamb, we deify human saviors, and pray to miraculous virgin intercessors.

Giorgione was one of those bright luminaries that dart across our plane of vision and then go out quickly in hopeless night, leaving only the memory of a blinding light. He died at thirty-three, which Disraeli declares is the age at which the world's saviors have usually died and he names the Redeemer first in a list of twenty who passed out at the age of three-and-thirty.

A schoolboy on a spree! It seems that Weed loses not his time, and tries with Sandford to turn a penny in Belgium. Oh disinterested saviors of the country, and patriots! But for this violent development of our domestic affairs, Mr. Seward would have appeared before the world as the mediator between the Pope and the insubordinate European nations, sovereigns, and cabinets.

You see this powder? Marcia has ordered me to poison Commodus! What kind of aftermath should that deed have?" Sextus stared at him astonished. Galen went on mixing. "Colorless it must be flavorless without smell indetectible. These saviors of Rome prepare too much to save themselves! And I take trouble to save myself. Why?" He stopped and blinked again at Sextus, waiting for an answer.

The story of the rescue of her house from the flames has been curiously contorted by persons who have attempted to write about it without knowing the facts. The real saviors of Mrs. Stevenson's house were her nephews and Mr. Field, and even they might have lost the day had it not been for a providential wind that blew in strongly from the sea against the advancing wall of flame.