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"Oh, I may have some faint idea," Luck drawled whimsically. "Look over there, Andy over toward Albuquerque. Is that a mirage again, or do you see something moving?" Andy, having the glasses, swung them slowly to the southeast. After a minute or two he shook his head and gave the glasses to Luck. "There was one square look I got, and I'd been willing to swear it was our saddle-bunch," he said.

There was silence so deep one could hear the saddle-bunch cropping the thick grasses along the creek. If this were true this tale that Andy was telling The Happy Family, half tempted to believe, glanced furtively at one another. "Aw, gwan!" It was the familiar, protesting croak of Happy Jack. "What did yuh turn tail for? Why didn't yuh have it out with him?"

While he bolted what food was handiest in the camp where old Patsy cooked for the searchers, and the horse wrangler brought up the saddle-bunch just as though it was a roundup that held here its headquarters, he heard all that Slim and Cal Emmett could tell him about the disappearance of Miss Allen.

It was an unwritten law among the Flying U boys, that all riotous conduct should occur when they were together and when the Family could, as a unit, assume the consequences if consequences there were to be. "I guess Happy must a rode the whole blame saddle-bunch home, this time," Cal remarked, with stinging sarcasm.

And perhaps it will be as well to go about it immediately." "It's plenty early," objected Billy. "I was going to break some more hosses for the saddle-bunch but I reckon I'll leave 'em now for Brown to bust. And for God-sake, Dilly, once yuh get wound up here, go on back where yuh come from. If the range is going and they's no use saying it ain't this ain't going to be no place for any white man."

From under his horse's feet the prairie sod sent up sweet, earthy odors into his nostrils and the tinkle of the bells in the saddle-bunch behind him made music in his ears the sort of music a true cowboy loves. Yellow-throated meadow larks perched swaying in the top of gray sage bushes and sang to him that the world was good.