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They wore the rust-brown hooded cloaks of the northern Jeseru people, in sober contrast to the red and yellow and blue striped robes and sun-bonnets of the Caleras in whose company they rode. They carried short repeating carbines in saddle scabbards, and heavy revolvers and long knives on their belts, and each led six heavily-laden pack-horses.

Yet, in spite of his primitive trappings, the man had such an aura of authority, of self-confidence, and competence that it was clear he was top dog in his own section of the world. Soon another man, dressed much like the first, but with a rust-brown cloak, came along, pulling behind him two very reluctant donkeys, whose eyes rolled fearfully at sight of the dead wolf.

The man was a few inches shorter than Rand, with gray eyes that looked startlingly light against the dark brown of his face. He wasn't using a cane, but he walked with a slight limp. Beside him was a slender girl, almost as tall as he was, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a rust-brown sweater and a brown skirt, and low-heeled walking-shoes.

They show plainly the rust-brown spots of iodine in the areas of the brain, the throat, and other parts of the body. The effect upon the iris of the eye would be very much the same whether the attacks of diphtheria had been suppressed by antitoxin or by the old-time drug treatment. A significant fact in this connection is that, since Mrs.

Below him lay town and fjord in the mild October sunlight; the rumble of traffic, the noises from workshops and harbour, came up to him through the rust-brown luminous haze. There he sat, while the sentry on the wall above marched back and forth, with his rifle on his shoulder, left right left.

"Till his lips would quiver, and sighs of bliss From sorrow's bosom would break; And the tear, soft and slow, would gather and flow; And yet he would not wake. "Every night the pale-faced man Sat by his bed, I say; And in mail rust-brown, with his visor down, Rode beside him in battle-fray.

The trees are already leafless, and on a naked branch sits the little garden-warbler with its rust-brown breast like a withered leaf left hanging and repeats untiringly a little fragment which it remembers of its spring-song. The only thriving thing in the whole picture is the ivy; for ivy, like sorrow, is fresh both summer and winter.

"But well I wot that it was not The devil that took his part; But his twin-brother John, he thought dead and gone, Who followed to ease his heart. "Home came Lord Archibold, weary wight, Home to his own countree; And he cried, when his castle came in sight, 'Now Christ me save and see! "And the man in rust-brown, with his visor down, Had gone, he knew not where.

Where we rode there were no habitations, not even a shepherd's hovel; the dry, stony soil was thinly covered with a forest of dwarf thorn-trees, and a scanty pasturage burnt to a rust-brown colour by the summer heats; and out of this arid region rose the hills, their brown, woodless sides looking strangely gaunt and desolate in the fierce noonday sun.

To lie on my back on the rust-brown grass in January and gaze up at the wide hot whitey-blue sky, peopled with millions and myriads of glistening balls of thistle-down, ever, ever floating by; to gaze and gaze until they are to me living things and I, in an ecstasy, am with them, floating in that immense shining void!