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He was very much incensed, and his first query was as to who had started the rumor. The president of a Chicago bank had loaned Armour and Company one hundred thousand dollars, note due in ninety days. For some reason known only to himself, he had made a demand on the cashier for the payment of this note some sixty days before it was due, and very naturally, in the absence of Mr.

Miss Henderson was a newcomer, and it was some time before rumor made her out; but finally it transpired that she was a kept woman, the former mistress of the superintendent of a department in the same building. He had put her there to keep her quiet, it seemed and that not altogether with success, for once or twice they had been heard quarreling.

A rumor that stories unusual stories are told in the form-rooms, between the lights, by a boy who does not command his confidence, agitates such a man; and even elaborate and tender politeness for the courtesy wise-grown men offer to a bewildered child was the courtesy that Stalky wrapped round Prout restores not his peace of mind.

The country between this and San Miguel is peaceful enough, but we hear that El Zeres' band is out somewhere in that direction. He has something like two hundred cutthroats with him of his own, and there is a rumor that other bands have joined him. Now I want you to go on tomorrow to San Miguel.

The savage penal laws which for so long afflicted the sister island of Ireland were tempered and abrogated in this measure as far as England was concerned, and rumor spread it abroad that a similar relief was soon to be extended to the Catholics of Scotland. Straightway a Bill which had passed both Houses without a single negative aroused the fiercest opposition beyond the Border.

Never were his clothes known to fit, being invariably too large or too small, too short or too long. As to his hair, the external evidences were of a character to disprove the rumor that he had a brush and comb, while the stubby beard frequently remained undisturbed upon the judicial chin for several weeks at a time.

At that very time the army of the Golden Horde, inspired by some sudden impulse, was advancing into Russia. It appears, however, that the multitudes assembled by Ivan were so numerous that the Khan's troops retired upon the mere rumor of their approach; so that the display of his resources had all the effect he desired, and he won a signal victory without striking a blow.

"He has never told me a word of his marriage, though he has written a dozen or more letters to me within the last few weeks." "That is very extraordinary. And did you not hear any rumor of it? Did no one chance to see the notice of it in the papers?" "No one that I know of.

He has the ear of his Grace the regent, surely. Now, sir, tell us what you know of these future affairs." "The rumor is, as I understand it," answered Varenne, "that he is to take over control of the Company of the West to succeed, in short, to the shoes of Anthony Crozat. There come curious stories of this province of Louisiana."

Before the bewildered clergyman could make his way down from the North, before the goddess of Rumor herself had even suspected such a thing, Miss Thornton's whole retinue of suitors, and the people at large were electrified by the astounding intelligence that Mr.