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You the second human ruhar are; the first his own mind under questioning destroyed, and was by his interrogator's clan N'chark accepted, as clan-born. He the Ordeal tried and failed, without dishonor." "Will you his name " Tarlac broke off, shaking his head. "Did it again, Hovan. Sorry. Just ask him the man's name, will you?" "All that know, ruhar.

Even so, he hesitated before saying, "Hovan?" "Yes, ruhar? Something disturbs you?" The fighter's calm was soothing. "Not quite. Say it confuses me. Cor'naya, I was granted a Vision last night, and I don't know whether I should make it public or not, even to you." Hovan managed not to show his shock.

He'd lost no more than a kilo or two, and though there were some small red spots on his skin, he had no apparent injuries. Low rawhide boots protected his feet, and he carried two pouches and an efficient-looking, if crude, spear. "A pleasant walk, ruhar?" "Not bad at all," Tarlac replied. "In fact, it was a lot easier than I expected, after everything you said."

That's the only honorable thing to do." "That is the Decision you have made?" Hovan asked formally. "It is." "Then as your sponsor, I may say that you have decided correctly." "Thanks, ruhar." Tarlac was still worried, but Hovan's acceptance of his story eased his fear. He felt relieved, almost refreshed. "But how to do it best is another question. I'd feel safe enough telling a Speaker about it "

"Hovan, I'm doing the best I can, but I'm not a Traiti. I'm human, and after that fight, I don't know if my best is going to be good enough." Hovan studied his human ruhar for several minutes without saying anything.

He didn't know whether it was proper or not, but it shouldn't hurt to be polite; he gave her the respectful crossed-arm bow. It didn't. He heard approving comments, then she said one of the few things he understood: "You do me honor, ruhar," and traded drinks and touches. Tarlac had no time to reply before he had to greet the rest of what he could only think of as Hovan's immediate family.

No wonder Hovan wanted to play the proud parent, with multiple births in any given clan averaging about a century apart. "I see why you asked me to restrain my curiosity, ruhar. It was worth the wait." Others, three boys and five women, one carrying an infant, joined them as he was attempting a polite comment to the girls in what little Language he knew.