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He considers ringbone as articular, periarticular, rachitic and traumatic. A mode of classification that is common and in a practical way, good, is, high and low ringbone. When prognosis is considered, for instance, it is very convenient to state that the chances for recovery are much better in high ringbone than in low ringbone. The classification of Möller will be followed here. Symptomatology.

In most instances treatment is not necessary. The affected animals require a month to three months' time for recovery to take place in the average favorable cases of ringbone.

Sprains or injuries of lateral ligaments of the extremities, ringbone and certain foot affections, are made manifest by a side to side movement or a pivotal movement. In fact, wherever it is possible to cause undue or unusual tension to be exerted upon an inflamed structure, manifestation of pain is the response.

The climatic conditions in some localities favor these occurrences but they may also be ascribed to improper food constituents and to possible infective agencies. Rarefying degenerative changes manifested by exostosis involving the phalanges of the young, causing ringbone, are fairly common in occurrence throughout this country.

The production of a deep-seated and acute inflammation with the actual cautery is preferable to any sort of counter-irritation which may be produced by vesicants. There is no occasion for any difference in the treatment of either of the first three classes of ringbone, but in the rachitic type where treatment is given, the application of a vesicant is all that is required.

"But it was racing injured the horse's leg," interposed Dolman. "But your horse has got a ringbone, Mr. Dolman," said Allis, "and a spavin, too. I've been looking at him. That's because you drive him too fast on hard roads. And his feet are contracted from neglect in shoeing. It's just cruel the way that poor old horse has been neglected. Race horses are much better taken care of."

There was he pestered, until Gargantua, with the end of his staff, thrust down the rest of the villain's tripes into the water whilst the horse pulled out his foot; and, which is a wonderful thing in hippiatry, the said horse was thoroughly cured of a ringbone which he had in that foot by this touch of the burst guts of that great looby.

The case shown above was diagnosed clinically as incipient ringbone. The X-ray revealed no lesions. In occasional instances there co-exists an obvious cause for supporting-leg-lameness and an occult cause a nail puncture.

Repeat it there or four times, then use the iodine ointment. If this does not remove it all, apply the ringbone and spavin medicine, this will remove it all. Get 1 oz. of the grease iodine, put in 1 pint of alcohol; let this stand in the sun two days, and you have the tincture of iodine. Take 2 oz. of the tincture and 1/2 lb. of lard; mix well, and you have the iodine ointment.

If you believe a mule has a ringbone, and yet is not lame, just cut his heel down low, and give him a few good pulls in a muddy place, and he will soon develop to you both lameness and ringbone. Cut his toes down and leave his heels high, and he will not be apt to go lame with it. The committee also say that a Mr. Elliott, of the Patuxent Furnaces, says they hardly ever had a mule die of disease.