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A little Turk was taking his riding-lesson on the level ground of the Hippodrome, and his frisky little black pony gave the old fellow in attendance plenty of occupation. We watched the boy for a while, and then, passing on toward the Marmora, took a look at the "Cistern of the Thousand Columns."

He said he felt perfectly well, but the Crown Prince thought he looked as though he had been ill, and glanced frequently at Nikky's cigarette during the riding-hour. Second, Hedwig did not come to the riding-lesson, and he had Nikky to himself. Third, he, Prince Ferdinand William Otto, was on the eve of a birthday. This last, however, was not unmixed happiness.

This Chosrew, who had not forgotten the riding-lesson I gave him, recognized me. You understand, my goose was cooked, oh, brown! when it suddenly came into my head to claim protection as a Frenchman and a troubadour from Monsieur de Riviere. The ambassador, enchanted to find something to show him off, demanded that I should be set at liberty.

Miss Royle's temporary incapacity set aside the program of study usual to each forenoon; and Jane's suddenly aroused interest in plumbing made the canceling of that day's riding-lesson seem advisable. It was Thomas who telephoned the postponement. And Gwendolyn found herself granted some little time to herself.

Asked me whether I could play "shove ha'penny." Nov. 10. Lieut. True Born gave one of the regimental horses a riding- lesson. Came home grumpy and went to bed early. Nov. 13. Another riding-lesson. Over-heard him asking one of the maids whether there was such a thing as a water-bed in the house. Nov. 17. Complained bitterly of horse-copers.

And on to this scene came Nikky for the riding-lesson. Nikky, smiling and tidy, and very shiny as to riding-boots and things, and wearing white kid gloves. Every one about a palace wears white kid gloves, except the royalties themselves. It is extremely expensive. Nikky surveyed the scene. He had, of course, bowed inside the door, and all that sort of thing.

A palace is a most difficult place to have a secret in. "Well?" she repeated; with a rising inflection. It was clear that she had not noticed the handkerchief incident. "Is there to be no riding-lesson to-day?" "I don't know. Nikky has not come." "Where is he?" Here the drop of nicotine got in its deadly work. "I'm afraid he is ill," said Prince Ferdinand William Otto.

Such a wonderful thing happened to me yesterday I actually had a riding-lesson. Do tell father that, for he knows how I used to envy Tom when Colonel Miles gave him a mount. It happened in this way. Edna was talking at breakfast time about her ride in the Row, and Mr.

Letters sent home by the boys and those Beverly wrote to her mother were the seeds sown which the three hoped would later start the "something doing." Meanwhile Beverly chafed under the restraint, and such chafing generally leads to some sort of an outbreak. It was Wednesday afternoon, October twenty-ninth, and riding-lesson day.