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Lettin' sech a story as this git all over town. By jiminy! if I was Mr. Haley, I'd sue ye!" "But what are we goin' ter do, Jason?" demanded Cross Moore. "Sit here an' twiddle our thumbs, and let that feller 't owns the coins come down on us for their value?" "You'll have to make good to him anyway," said Mr. Day, bluntly. "You four air responserble." "Hi tunket!" exploded Joe Pellet.

All the things in that closet should be shaken out, aired, and carefully put back. Who knows how useful they may be in the future! Waste is wicked. Indeed, there are few things more wicked than waste. Now I think of it, I have some keys in my trunk." "He won't like it," interposed Jane. "In the responserble persition I have assumed," replied Mrs.

I've struck, I have! You can't hold nobody responserble but me an' Barnacle." "The gal's crazy!" squalled the sheriff, going rapidly backward, for the dog and Liz were advancing. "Well, you won't shet me up in no 'sylum," declared Liz, grimly. "But ye may send me ter the penitentiary." "Did you ever hear the like?" gasped Lil, clinging to Nellie and Jess. "That girl's mad."

On returning, she opened with a volubility that awed even Mrs. Wiggins for a moment. "You miserable, mountainous pauper; you interloper; you unrefined, irresponserble, unregenerate female, do you know what you have done in thus outraging ME? I'm a respecterble woman, respecterbly connected. I'm here in a responserble station. When Mr.

Of course, while she is here, I shall zealously, as befits one in my responserble position, try to render useful such service as she can perform. But then, the fact that I disapprove of her must soon become evident. When it is discovered that I only tolerate her, there will be a change. I cannot show my disapproval very strongly today for this is a day set apart for sacred things, and Mrs.