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After the Prince of Tanais's homage to the sun we hear something fulsome about the virtues of King William, alias Tamerlane: "No lust of rule, the common vice of Kings, No furious zeal, inspir'd by hot-brain'd priests, Ill hid beneath religion's specious name, E'er drew his temp'rate courage to the field: But to redress an injur'd people's wrongs, To save the weak one from the strong oppressor, Is all his end of war.

As for the Gauls, they did him no harm, either for wonder at his boldness, or for religion's sake, for which indeed this people had no small regard.

The envoy had, immediately afterwards, an interview with Lord Burghley, and at once perceived that he was no friend to his master. Cecil observed that the queen had formerly been much bound to the king for religion's sake.

When I recalled to them many things from the teachings of the churches and from the Word confirming the fact that to avoid and be averse to evils as sins is the Christian religion's very self and that one who does so has faith, they fell silent.

A people in whom religion is the ruling motive of life, after enduring all the dreadful sufferings of previous centuries for its religion's sake, must have been brought to a state; of boundless reverence by Akbar's attitude.

The envoy had, immediately afterwards, an interview with Lord Burghley, and at once perceived that he was no friend to his master. Cecil observed that the queen had formerly been much bound to the king for religion's sake.

She was a Christian because she thought Christ the greatest figure in world history, and also because her own conduct of life was modelled upon Christian principles and virtues. She was religious for religion's sake and not for public ostentation.

For whatever may be the form of faith professed by this particular fraternity, the absurdity of the whole system of religion remains the same. Religion's day is done; the very sense of worship is a mere coward instinct a relic of barbarism which is being gradually eradicated from our natures by the progress of civilization.

"His charity is divine," Millicent said. "It is Christ-like, if you like." "It is true charity, for it is love, love for everything which God has created." "He is so happy that he can afford to love almost everything and everyone." "He is happy because he loves them." "I don't believe he has ever heard of hell," Millicent said. "His religion's all heaven and beauty and love."

In fact, Deism may be a very faulty type of religion, theoretically considered; but Pantheism is religion's practical annihilation. It is not for nothing that in Persia, e.g., the name of Sufi in theory a pantheistic believer in the identity of the worshipper with his Deity signifies in current use not a mystic, but a freethinker!