United States or Georgia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Her continued dislike to the "dear old place" was another source of regret; and before the first year of married life had expired, feelings had sometimes been busy in both their hearts which they would have shuddered to have confessed even to themselves. Winter and spring had passed away, and summer was again present with its birds and flowers.

Salsdorf himself died four days later from the effects of amputation." When I read these words, I threw down my book, and melted into tears. I do not regret those tears for they were such as I could shed only when my heart was right; I do not speak merely of Salsdorf, and do not care for that particular instance. I am sure, however, that I did not suspect any one that day. Poor dreamer!

I regret to be obliged to inform you that no convention for the settlement of the claims of our citizens upon Mexico has yet been ratified by the Government of that country.

Verity was a loyal little soul, and she never even hinted her suspicions to her husband. Neither did she attempt to find out what was amiss. When, the next evening, Malcolm told them hurriedly that he would be obliged to return to town earlier than he thought, she interrupted Amias's clumsy exclamations of regret. "Mr.

Should the lady favour him, she lights long candles, but if he does not please her she produces "ends," signifying thereby that she prefers his room to his company. Author. No, no; I do not regret it, and, what is more, when my man dies I shall not be long behind him.

"While I regret that a brave man like yourself, captain, should be at war with the government which I honor and love, I hope that personally your future will be as bright as I am sure your merit deserves," said Christy. "If it had been a square and well-fought action, I should not feel as I do about it.

I regret interference upon that ground; I object to interference upon that ground; and I say, moreover, that we were not right in interfering upon that ground.

Nobody can regret the unfortunate circumstance of his escape more than I, and, in justice to myself and my institution, I can assure you that it was only through the most unforeseen and remarkable ingenuity on your cousin’s part that it occurred. “Trusting that I may soon be able to inform you of his recovery, I am, yours very truly,

This was consummate art; for as soon as she was relieved of her fears she began to regret that she had thrown her power away. During the dinner she let her eyes wander to those of the emperor almost in supplication. He, the subtlest of men, knew that he had won.

It was by far the most popular, to the intense regret of the PARROCO, the parish priest, a rigid disciplinarian, an alien to Nepenthe, a frost-bitten soul from the Central Provinces of the mainland.