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He came in a-purpose to remind me, and 'e brought a couple o' grinning, brass-faced monkeys with 'im to see 'im do it. I was sitting on that barrel when he came, and arter two minutes I felt as if I was sitting on red-'ot cinders.

Meantime, upstairs, Philpot had gone into Newman's room and was discussing with him the possibility of extracting from Mr Sweater the price of a little light refreshment. 'I think, he remarked, 'that we oughter see-ise this 'ere tuneropperty to touch 'im for an allowance. 'We won't git nothin' out of 'IM, mate, returned Newman. ''E's a red-'ot teetotaller. 'That don't matter.

'All right, said the clown; 'when I'm not friends with any one, I take and use the red-'ot poker to 'em, and he put it in the fire to heat as he spoke. This terrified the boy. It was no use trying to argue with the clown, and he had seen how he used a red-hot poker. 'Well, I'll forgive you this time, he said hastily; 'let's come away from here.

"You look splendid, ma!" said Gladys, as she watched their departure. "Splendid!" "I don't feel splendid," sighed Mrs. Jobson to her husband. "These 'ere boots feel red-'ot." "Your usual size," said Mr. Jobson, looking across the road. "And the clothes seem just a teeny-weeny bit tight, p'r'aps," continued his wife. Mr. Jobson regarded her critically.

"You look splendid, ma!" said Gladys, as she watched their departure. "Splendid!" "I don't feel splendid," sighed Mrs. Jobson to her husband. "These 'ere boots feel red-'ot." "Your usual size," said Mr. Jobson, looking across the road. "And the clothes seem just a teeny-weeny bit tight, p'r'aps," continued his wife. Mr. Jobson regarded her critically.

I s'y, you know, it must feel awf'ly peculiar to get bowled over on a d'y like this. I'd rather 'ave it on a cowld and frosty morning, wouldn't you? 'Ow are you off now, for the notion of a future styte? Do you cotton to the tea-fight views, or the old red-'ot bogey business?" "O, dry up!" said the captain. "No, but I want to know," said Huish.

He came in a-purpose to remind me, and 'e brought a couple o' grinning, brass-faced monkeys with 'im to see 'im do it. I was sitting on that barrel when he came, and arter two minutes I felt as if I was sitting on red-'ot cinders.

"'Ooks an' red-'ot pincers wouldn't draw a syllable out of me, sir," returned the good woman, departing with an offended air, and leaving her master to understand that, in her opinion, such instruments might have a very different effect upon him.